I've seen a bunch of maps that have bridges as a ramp leading up to another bridge that's in the air. Centograph is a perfect example. If anyone has a method to do this, please post how. Also a week back i had posted a thread 'bout doublebox merging to make a 2 box long platform. so that it's smooth and long. Someone had posted help with this but i didn't get it as i though i would. So any help on both the subjects is much aprecciated.
Place your catwalk bridge wherever you'd like it to be. Then place a large object on top of it, hanging over the edge. Then line your ramp bridge up with it. The top object prevents the ramp from going higher than you want it to be.
Though I can't get a picture, to do what I think you're talking about, you put up the first bridge at the angle you want, and lay another bridge directly on top of it with around half going off the end of the bottom bridge. Set the bottom bridge not to spawn at the start, then start a new round. Then just save and quit a new bridge against the bottom of the top bridge that did spawn so it'll interlock with the other when it spawns.
Green= Bridge that a catwalk is being made to. Orange= Guides. Purple= Bridge being interlocked together. For me all my interlocks use very accurate guides. What I would attempt is to start at the top and make your way down. What I would suggest is to have your catwalk on top floating and ready. Now that this is set up you can put a double box on top of the first bridge so it is slightly hanging over the edge of the first bridge. No line up a second double box under the bridge at the perfect edge of the bridge at the underside. Next I suggest placing your bridge at the angle you want it at and keep experimenting until you get it right. Possibly line up a double box at the angle you want the bridge to float on by placing it above where your catwalk will be. Once the first interlock is completed you can place a bridge above the second bridge and set the first interlocked one to not start at start. Now when the game starts go to your guide bridge and get under it. Spawn another bridge and push it up until it is perfectly flat with the guide bridge. If you want it more accurate place another bridge on the side of the bridge it is being interlocked with and you will have edges that are in a perfect line. Repeat the red area until you reach the ground. Once you reach foundry's floor repeat the red area with a final bridge so that it is perfectly lined up. Now set your guides up on this final bridge and geomerge it to perfection. If you have any questions or you would like to know the set up for a angled bridge geomerge in forge please post it here or on my Visitor messages and I will update this post. ~forgegod117~
Since I had no interest in reading forgegods long wall of text, I definitally recomend Ravenscrofts way. Oh, and your GT is Toast Ninja right, well, It says your not a correct name on XBL. Just send me FR at KillerK MSU
I find that quite insulting since it is NOT A WALL OF TEXT and if you read it you might find it to be very accurate. Just because something is long and detailed doesn't mean it is a wall of text. It has been broken up into paragraphs, no obvious spelling mistakes, and is color coded to make it easy to read. Don't rate something if you haven't read it.
I honestly was gonna put something like soz, or something, But, I really didn't feel like reading it. Fine, you kno wat, I will read it, just so I won't be a jerk O, and I never read it or rated it in the first place, so I just pretty much said, Im to lazy to stare at one post for more than 1 minute", not that I hate you and what you write
Actually, I changed it lol. I had massive amounts (10k+) in MS points from holidays and whatnot. now it's: Undead KiIIer