That looks like a lot of bashing. Anyways, I think I could make this play 2v2. I tried 2v2, but it went horribly, mostly due to bad spawning. I'll tweak the spawns to see if I can make it work.
Rereading what I posted, I don't really see why you consider that bashing. I was being honest about my experience, and pulled in some examples to help make my points. Yeah, I could have been a tad bit kinder in my presentation. But like I said, I was really disappointed with this one. Maybe I read too much into what others were saying, and my expectations were just too high. Or maybe my positive experiences with Mirage clouded by judgment. Either way, I still stand by what I said, and why I said it. I really do hope you look into increasing the player count on this one. Honestly, when I did my forge through on this a week ago the first thing I thought was "hmm, this could make a sweet 2v2 map with some modifications."
Yeah, I found it to be somewhat bashing, because you really didn't stop saying how bad the map was. Next time, just tell me what the problems were. You had good experiences on Mirage? Some people said that, that map had major problems. Either, you don't know what you're talking about, or this map just isn't for you. You should help in testing the 2v2s'. If you're up for it? Edit: TAKE IT TO PMs.
>:[ Mirage had serious issues, as did most of his previous maps. I think that this is a huge step up from anything he's done, and I hold firm to that idea. I never really played many 1v1s here, I mostly tested and played this for 2v2s. Which by the way, were what my comment idolized (aside from spawning aside from spawning aside from spawning). I can actually agree that this is a quite large for a 1v1, and would like to see this fully set up for 2v2 spawning soon enough. Also, screw splitscreeners. > Also, criticizing a mapmaker? Fine. Totally understandable that you want your opinions to be heard. But another commenter? Questionable, at best.
You are right, it most definitely did. But every game I played on it was still fun. I obviously can't say the same for Catha More than just spawning needs to be tweaked. I could see camping by the GL becoming a major problem. Two guys could easily lock that area down if they were coordinated. As for splitscreeners... You are basically saying "f you" to anyone who wants to play this locally. IMO, unless you are building something massive like BTB or invasion, there really isn't any excuse for it FLR in splitscreen. Soooooo many pieces could be removed from this without seriously impacting the aesthetics. Personally, I think far too many forghubbers these days value aesthetics over performance or even practicality. And you what? That makes me a sad penguin (pandas are overrated). Yeah, that was probably a bad move on my part. I could have made the same point without sounding like such a douche. But you know what, when people throw praise around like that, it upsets me. You just said yourself that this map doesn't work as well as it should on 1v1. But failed to recognize that fact in your other post. It doesn't surprise me though, given FH's reputation as popularity contest. Absolutely.
What is this? Onslaught? I would like to test this map with Eightball, and tell you how broken is map. Friedfoodstuffz: I appreciate that you left some good problem/solution feedback, but it was laced with unnecessary harshness. We are all forgehub here, save the hate for those MLG tryhards.
mammoth post out of boredom. Enjoy. I got to play a screw-around FFA game on this. My opinion might be a little skewed because of a 5 person game, but I can't help but to believe that you tried way too hard in making this map. Regarding the layout, the map is too large, complex and random IMO. Especially being 1v1, there is so much going on I don't know what to think. I usually like complex designs like arca, but your map has little to no viable LOS, which I can imagine players spending 30 seconds trying to find each other. With that said, the LOS should vary more; or else, vary the areas in size. Like have some larger open areas, a couple hallways, and some smaller areas. Right now, I see this map as a map with chopped up LOS and areas that don't vary enough in power. I'm not going to make a judgment on the use of teleporters, but with 3 teleporters, 2 lifts, and a ramp to the top level, it makes the gameplay massively unpredictable and making top control pointless. The only emphasis for map control are the weapons/powerups. Even in 1v1 I believe there should be a power position that should be held for an advantage and forfeited when a power weapon comes up (conversely, a GL or camo can be obtained to take back control). Still though, I do like the placement for each of the tele's you have. I don't care as much for this (especially for 1v1), but even your aesthetics (disregarding purple FX) seem random. I get the idea, you want to express the color orange all over the map. I know for sure that not all of it is bad. It helps the orientation in some cases; but it is just clearly overdone. You have 2x2 Flats, a wall-stripe of 1x2 shallows, tunnel longs, a random horizontal pin-stripe, and then numerous vertical pin-stripes. How much of it is neccessary? Look at Xzamplez'sss map Terrace. Even though the average forgehubber thinks it's lacking in color, it's one of the most cleanly colored maps made. The geometry is grass, dark-gray, and white, but it has adequate small colors on the inside (For orientation upon spawning) and large, solid colors on the outside (For orientation upon transitioning). Despite being "add-on" pieces, they work on the map and they are not completely abused like most maps I see on here. IMO your map should have similar treatment. Hopefully that's it. I said this on my last mammoth post for another map, but I'm not just trying to put the map down. I actually did enjoy the 5p FFA i played, despite some obvious spawn issues. But with how large and complex it is that is the kind of game this map is good for. TL;DR: I think you should simplify the map more, in aesthetics/color pieces and in design. It looks overdone to me. I haven't played a 1v1 at all. But I've played 1v1's before (like salot of people obviously) and I can assume that there is too much going on and games will last longer than usual. And let's not forget to mention that simplicity in the layout (limiting routes) has a better chance of making spawns work because the LOS are more limited. And xzample: Stop your onslaughting babbling
Well, that was extremely insightful. Thank you for taking the time to point out all of the flaws on such a broken map. I'll remember this and try to apply it in my future projects. Oh, btw, this is my FIRST ever designed on paper map, so you'll have to forgive my "over-done" layout. Thanks, again.
Don't worry about it. The layout is still very unique, which the tele's and lifts are usually great on these kinds of maps. I would just tone down the movement options and make the map smaller to emphasize the vertical aspect your map appears to have. If your opponent has trouble getting to the top and whines like a little kid, map control on your part if the map is of good scaling and movement options Anyways, best of luck.
Whoa there Eightball! Bein's intentions are of the purest, I assure you. I played the five man FFA with biin, and I have the same feelings as him, for the most part. This map has a ridiculous amount of depth for a 1v1 map on Halo. I feel like you did a great job giving your map that Quake feeling, but you weren't conscious enough about the fact that Reach is a slower game than Quake, salot slower. I was nonsalontly walking around your map, I turn the corner, and blindsided by a 5x1 so high, that it hurt my spartan's neck to look there. I'm afraid I need you to remove the 5x1s, until then this map is quarantined... Seriously though, there is salot of positive things to say about the map, so don't take this as me or bihn bashing you, take this as two people trying to help you.
I was in that 5 man FFA as well and I'll have to say that I don't really agree with Bean when he said that the aesthetics are overdone. I feel as far as Aesthetics are concerned your map was fine (other than the 5x1s Stan mentioned). I could easily identify where I was off spawn and I just generally liked the look of the map (we played on the no FX version). However in my opinion the excess of lifts and teles on the map made the flow feel a little forced and all over the place. Similar to what Bean said this makes map movement feel a little unpredictable and random. All my feedback is of course opinionated on what I enjoy in a 1v1 map so don't take it too harshly. In my designs I prefer to keep the majority of the routes to solid routes such as ramps instead of teles and lifts. Maybe try to incorporate more solid routes into your next design.
I was being serious towards his feedback- No negativity, sarcasm, or disregard for what he was saying.. I really do appreciate it. Also, what 5x1's??? I didn't use a single one on this map.
my bad, I didn't mean what i said in terms of hurting orientation. I just meant that lessening the abuse of the small/thin covered objects (like the 1x2 shallows) would make the map salot cleaner aesthetically. I like the 1x2 shallow strip along the wall, but I don't like seeing it along with those walling up a ramp or a 1-unit thick catwalk (though i understand not wanting to show the glass). At the least, I would recommend distinguishing each or some areas by changing the colors so they appear more as different, such as the 1x2 shallows be green on one side and the stripe be orange on the other side (This would be good for The Non-FX version anyway). Just think...WWSD? Ah who am I kidding?
this map reminds me strongly of sequence from a long while back, most likely from the wall design. haven't gotten a game on this yet but from what I can tell pathways are very narrow in some areas over risky waters. I can't tell very well from the pics tho, I would actually have to get a game in just to see how the map flows.
Just ran around on this map in forge and honestly, I'm rather appalled by some of the complaints voiced here. Despite the objects being colored orange/gold, the map was very easy to navigate. I found myself capable of easily orientating where I was and how to reach whatever position I wanted to go to. Additionally I found the map size to be of relative decent scaling. I wouldn't say its too big, and it certainly is better than having a map that's too small. As for "funneling" players and "random" movement, I completely disagree with the complaints. The power weapons and power ups that are placed around the map are evenly distributed and give incentive for consistent movement through out the game. The only "random" trait is that one does not know from which direction the opposition will come because of the various movement options available. As for the aesthetics... How they are "over done" is beyond me. There are some braces here and there that probably weren't necessary, but that aside the map has aesthetic continuity and looks gorgeous. Personally, I don't care for the teleporters, or the way you have them with the shield doors... I prefer tele's to actually look like tele's. Normally I'd have issue with the top ledges and their limited avenues of approach, but because this is a highly segregated map I found them to be well balanced with the rest of the map. TLR? Hater's gonna hate. This map got more votes than a certain other 1v1... It's stealing the limelight from the map that truly deserves attention. Duh.
Maybe not so much overdone but just unorganized. A couple areas have unique aesthetic areas (Like the tunnel,long+Rock setup and the area with the ends of braces poking out of the wall. Besides those exceptions (and possibly others) The aesthetics just seem random to me. I think the same about Hulters forging of arca. On that map, it's all about using ramp-bridges, brace larges, and 1x2's in any place you can. In both of the map's cases, the geometry of the map helps orientation adequately. I can't say my aesthetics are solid at all either; I've been satisfied with the aesthetics on only one map if any. I guess it's near the best we're gonna get though, since the ugliness of forge is absalotly ridiculous.