Catastrophe MX

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by ducain23, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. ducain23

    ducain23 Guardian
    Staff Member Senior Member

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    This MX track and stadium was destroyed by a hurricane right before you where able to race on it, but that doesn't mean you can't still race on it now!!! Start your engines and have fun!!

    Starting Gate:

    Few jumps with different paths:

    The big jump over the rock pit:

    Driving across the broken bridge:

    The destroyed stadium:

    The finishing jump:

    YouTube - ‪Halo Reach Racetrack: Catastrophe MX‬‏

    Have Fun and Enjoy!!!!
  2. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    This is a great map, challenging but fun, and have you ever thought of making the map before it was destroyed? The stadium would be insane if it was in good condition
  3. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    I completely agree. After watching the video, I love this track. It's rare to see a Halo track that looks "Race-able", instead of "Everyone drive around at the same speed on the same line... able". The different paths and shortcuts look very interesting.

    However I think the broken stadium bit looks a bit messy. If you do make a version with an intact stadium PLEASE pm me about it, because I would love to download that version as well.
  4. ducain23

    ducain23 Guardian
    Staff Member Senior Member

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    I probably will not make a version of this map with the stadium in tact... but i will be making another MX/SX track and I will be including a better/bigger stadium than this one!! And of course, the track outside of the stadium will also be unique, because I put a theme in every one of my maps :)

    But thanks for the good feedback and I hope everyone enjoys the map!!

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