squidhands, i havent really had time, im in the middle of forging a map right now, and i have one completeded that i procrastinate to post, after i get done with these two projects ill probably repost it on bungie, and just change the link here
The Review Hub Map Name : Catalyst Author: LXV Grizzly Reviewed By: E93 (GT: Eduardo Dubs) Enjoyment: 8.5/10 This map impressed me. It started a bit confusing, but it later developped to be fun. I personally dont like One Bomb games, but it was actually pretty fun for a while on this map. Team Slayer is also fun, regardless of the fact that spawn camping happens once in a game. Balance: 10/10 The balance was very good. The better weapons were placed outside of the bomb base, and we could penetrate easily with the right weapons, almost as well as the other team could steal our weapons and use them against us. =] LXV Grizzly got it right with the equipment too. We had power drains outside, and they had bubble shield inside. Durability: 8/10 Despite not being able to break this map, spawn camping can occur very often if the other team exploits it. The red team always spawns in the same area, never 10m away from each other, and the blue team always spawned in the same area too. More spawn areas and spawn points could fix this though. Aesthetics: 8.5/10 On some maps, you can totally still see that it was once Foundry, but this one is completely different. You can tell how much work was done on it. And the new trend to designate bases (invisibility and overshields) made each base look really cool. The bridges over the map, and even the design of each base were really creative and good looking. Originality: 8.5/10 ''Much like any other matchmaking map'', would fit, because well, it looked like its own map. Not a bit of Foundry i it. Goodbye square box! It had some good original creations in it, like the high ground on the red base, and that drop-in thing that was a quick way to get to the bomb area if needed. Overall score (Average of the above): 8.7/10 Very enjoiable overall. The spawn placement needs fixing and some working on. I really enjoyed playing in this map. I actually feel that this map is better than some that are currently in the bungie favorites. You could definetely be in there, and top those maps. I'd recommend for people to play this map in One Bomb, even though I'm not much a fan of assault myself. Team Slayer also works. ps: sorry for delaying to post it here. kinda forgot about this part =]
I like this map alot....I didn't understand the layout right away though. Once i played a few games on it i liked it alot. The bridge was cool and everything was nicely placed with great merging....Great Job...8/10
Thanks, after finishing the map im working on right now, im probably going to go back and fix everthing in both reviews and make a V2. Thanks for all the wonderful feedback.
This map looks quite good LXV grizzley, I don't like you personally but that doesn't mean I'm going to take it out on your map. I'll dl and give it a fair shot.
woot! you mentioned me, I can't believe I didn't notice you released this until now. I assume the map plays as good as it looks, because it looks amazing, good job Grizzly, 5/5
lol gobbles, i put this up here a loooong time ago, im about to redo it and make a v2 actually, once i get done with it ill c if you can get out!