Thank you squid hands, i think i might just print off that post and use it in future maps, lol a lot of good advice and ill probably end up doing a lot of it in the future, though right now im working on a map, if i get the time ill make a remake and do the things that you said
Hey, if anyone else can find a place out, please tell me so I can fix it, i thought i found all those bugs...
Well obviously youve never played it then becuase there are three pages saying it is, just becuase i said 1 of your maps was a little sloppy doesnt mean you have to get revenge and just slam everything i do.
This map is one that I realized I had overlooked. But, to my surprise, this is actually really good. I love the whole little thing you have going, and I adore that fence wall bridge. Q'ued.
Okay, I had a forgethrough, and its a solid map. Very well made, great interlocking. But a few walls and boxes were a bit crooked, its not super important, but I think that if you want to make this a flawless map you should fix those few little things. Good Job
Interlocking looks fantastic and from all the other comments I hear the gameplay is excellent. I'll have to try.
im really tired and im just patreoling the forms so im gonna make this short. good map ill dl good for you