This is Catalyst, ive been working on this map for some time now, I dont like to sit down and forge for hours at a time, so I coudnt really tell you how many hours I spent making this map. This map best plays with 2 - 10 players (10 is kinda hectic but still fun) Also this map is compatible with all gametypes, but One Bomb and any Team Slayer variant is recommended. Weapons: 3 Battle Rifles 3 Carbines 1 Mauler - 90 second respawn - 1 spare clip 1 Sniper - 90 second respawn - 1 spare clip 1 Rocket - 120 second respawn 0 spare clips - Place at Start : No 1 Bubble Shield - 90 second respawn 1 Power Drain - 90 second respawn Catalyst Pictures : Special Thanks To: Bnasty - For helping me with the overall map Jury Burrito - For making me laugh Gobbles - For helping me find ways out of the map that I could block. And any others that helped me further the map. Many Thanks! Thank you for checking out my map. If you do decide to download then please comment on this thread, and my Bungie thread, id like to keep them both alive. Also, it may be hard to get a feel for the map. The pictures are only as helpfull as they can be.
Get bigger pics! I use Tinypic(Theey make BIG Pics. Irony)) or Imageshack, those will get you big pics i would think. From what I can see on the map it looks alright. But I can't see much
I actually remember playing this map Asthetically I was alright but the gameplay was great Good job on this one And I think u no the only thing wrong with this post is though
This looks very interesting and well done the middle section reminds me of another map, the name escapes me at the moment. But it looks great and i think it should play very well, i like the front view of blue base.
Meh, don't double post. The map is great, but I can't get a feel on how big the map is. It looks small to me, but let me know if its bigger than that. I feel concerned with the lack of default weapons like Spikers or the Assault Rifle on the map. You may need just one or two, but any amount will do. Edit: For those of you that read this post of mine, he actually didn't double post, his internet connection is laggy, and I believe him, and he fixed it, which is good. If you see him double post in this thread, I wouldn't blame him.
Gosh darnit, my computer makes me refresh every page if i want to see new posts, I literaly have to hit refresh, i cant back out and reload it i have to hit refresh, so i accidentaly posted twice, it definatly wont happen again, also the map is kinda small, but in a medium sort of way. It has both really. DL, give it a try and tell me what you think, Thanks
You fixed pics! YAY! Ok th map looks great. I can see that you know some good Forging Techniques sucha as merging with map Geo and Interlocking! You got my DL
Stop double posting to bump your map; it's the second time you've done it in this thread. This isn't bnet. It does look interesting, although I agree with Whitelime in that the middle section seems very reminiscent of another map (I do know the name of it), but I'll reserve any judgement until after a forgethrough.
how can i take this thread off? i dont mean to its my computer, ill take it off so it wont happen agian
Ok, I did a forgethrough of this map and I thought I'd drop back by to give some comments. First of all, you've done a great job on the layout. The central area is very reminiscent of Chimera with the bridge hill and the curvature around it, but there's enough things that you threw in to give it your own flavor. I like it a lot. There are a few issues that I want to bring to your attention, because I think the map would benefit from it greatly. While you've done a nice job on the layout of the map, the construction itself is rather sloppy in areas. The most noticeable of these is the Attacker's base; all of the merged boxes you used as the floor aren't very smooth and you tend to hop a lot while trying to move forward. Merging upside-down boxes can be very tricky because you have to grab and release one box several times just to get it to sit on the floor of Foundry properly. It's time-consuming and a pain in the ass, but this area could definitely benefit from some more of that. There are some aesthetic issues as well; spots where your retaining walls (to prevent a player from getting out of the map) are a little crooked or misaligned. Merged walls/boxes tend to really stick out like a sore thumb when they're not lined up properly. It's a minor thing that really doesn't affect the gameplay, but I wanted to bring it up because I think that a little extra time spent here could really add to the overall aesthetics of your map. As for the gameplay issues, the first and foremost thing that definitely needs to be fixed is that you forgot to give team assignments to your starting spawns in almost all your gametypes except for Slayer, and even those could use some adjustment. Firstly, you don't need to use all 20 starting spawns for Slayer. Considering the maximum amount of players in a game is 16, it's total overkill that just eats into your item limit. For Team Slayer, you really only need 1 starting point per team, all the other players will spawn in the nearest locations to that point. My suggestion here is to delete most of the ones you have, but keep up to four to move to different parts of the map and assign them to separate teams for FFA situations. Objective games can be a little different, so you can put one near the flag/bomb spawn/capture/return point, and have another one elsewhere if you want to tactically split the team. Most of your Starting Spawns in CTF are fine, but you left some of them as Neutral. Either delete those or assign them to teams. There's also one of your respawn areas (Either CTF or Assault) for the Attacker's that is sitting on a partially merged box. You might want to extend it down through the floor of Foundry because all of the respawn points currently on the floor are not influenced by that respawn area. I didn't see any other issues like that, and I'm glad to see that you used the respawn areas. Another thing that you might want to consider is removing the fence wall that blocks off the Attacker base's access to the tunnel with the Carbine. It's a great weapon, but the risk involved with heading down a one-way hall to get it isn't worth the reward of having it. If your concerned about not wanting the Attacker's to get it right away, just set it not to spawn at the beginning of the round and change the respawn time to 45 sec. Other than that, I really liked what you created. You seem to have a good eye for map layout and your gameplay setup is almost there, it just needs a little tweaking. I think that an updated version of this would play very well and could possibly be worthy of a feature. BTW - Sorry for the wall of text, but I'm a thorough guy. ;-)