Catalyst is an asymmetric map reminiscent of Isolation. Meshing the natural terrain with Forerunner style architecture yields a unique gameplay experience. With the exception of Race, Catalyst is set up for all other gametypes including Multi-team slayer and Multi-team objective. For standard Invasion, there is a required custom gametype for it. Here's how it works. ---------------- Catalyst Invasion Phase one: Playing like Assault, the Elites have to take their core to the Forerunner data terminal defended by the Spartans. Phase two: Once the core has been attached to the terminal, the Elites have to hold their positions for 30 seconds while the core rips the data from the terminal. During this phase, there are no respawn cameras to select your spawn position as the map is played from one end to the other then back again. Instead it will rely on buddy spawning and a slayer style spawn system. Phase three: After the core has finished downloading, the terminal will jettison the core. The Elites will again have to wade through the hordes of Spartans to get the core back to the extraction point at the top of Blue base. ----------------- Weapons DMR - x8 Needle Rifle - x2 Needler - x2 Plasma Pistol - x1 Rocket Launcher - x1 Sniper Rifle - x2 Magnum - x2 Plasma Grenade - x4 ------------------ Vehicles Mongoose - x2 Ghost - x1 (neutral) ------------------ Pictures Blue base Blue base overview Red base **Please note that while you can access the man cannons from the front, you MUST jump into them AND push your stick in the direction the cannon is throwing you or you will end up short. It's just the way the man cannons work.** Red base overview Cave High Nerfle spawn Rocket spawn Other pics ------------------ Thanks again to all those who were gracious enough to help test this when I could get on. Hope you guys enjoy it. Keep it clean people.
The Forerunner structures look cool. I really like the idea for invasion though, every phase feels really connected from your description. I would like a full overview shot of the map, but You still did a good job showing each base. By the way, if you want to fix your thumbnail image, go to advanced settings, put the picture you want in the slot, and then delete the
Thanks for the tip on the thumbnail. I always screw that thing up. I would like to show more pics but Photobucket won't let me upload any new pics . I'd like to know what you think of it once you've had a chance to get a game or two on it.