This is an update to the map Cat And Mouse which I posted on here earlier. I have added the ability to play infection on the map, so long as you use the custom gametype "Zombie Cat" located in my file share. If you didn't see my first post for the map, here is a brief description take directly from my post on This is just a rehash of a map I attempted to make back in Halo 3 that never quite worked right. With the new tools in Reach's forge, however, it actually plays fairly well. As my description for the map suggests, the map is intended for objective based gametypes (currently 1 flag/bomb, infection, and territories are playable). However, you should use the gametype "Zombie Cat" located in my file share if you choose to play infection on the map. The map boils down to a maze-like structure that the assaulting team must move through to capture an objective. This team receives no weaponry other than what the gametype they are playing on gives them to start off with. However, the walls around them provide with ample cover to avoid the gunfire that is sure to be hailing down from the four towers around the map occupied by the defending team. So the game type turns into a game of hide and seek or "cat and mouse" (hence the map's title). Anyway, I suppose the map is my attempt to capture the essence of what an attack/defend objective game is. I suppose I should elaborate on how the infection gametype plays as well. While most infection games end up turning into a zombie massacre, this map turns the tables on the human players by giving the zombies a huge advantage. Not only are the zombies stationed around the map in the four towers with all of the map's weaponry, but they are also impervious to all attacks from the humans. Thus, the only way for someone to earn points as a survivor is to make it to the end of the round; at which time a bonus of 10 points will be awarded to anyone who manages to live through the entire round. This will prove difficult, of course, so the last man standing is given extra shields and a burst of speed to assist him in surviving. In addition to adding infection, I have also changed some of the initial spawn and respawn points on the map. I must be honest though, I haven't had the opportunity to properly test the map after making these changes. So if you end up spawning in the wrong area in any of the four gameypes, please let me know. Here are a couple more screenshots of the map:
After playing it, I still like the idea of the map, though the interior layout could have been better constructed. I didn't have any trouble with the respawns, but I haven't tried out the map with a group of players yet.