What kind of maps do you like better, casual or competetive? Explain why you like one better than the other. I like competetive better because there is teamwork ( if your playing a team game) and intense gameplay involved. There are also way more possibilities of things that could happen in a competetive game.
It really depends, sometomes im homocidal (competitive) and somtimes i just want to escape prison in C&R (of course, my homocide got me in it lol)
I love a good competitive map more because I am quite the competitive player. I am excellent at forging competitive maps compared to casual maps and I seem to be MLG worthy as I am really good at the game (says a few friends) but I enjoy a good casual game once in a while, like Cat n' Mouse.
It depends. Casual maps are sometimes fun, but A LOT of times are made by unskillful forgers that copy one another over and over again. Then people won't end the game when it gets boring. However, there are some very good maps in there, that use trap doors and such and really don't need a good gametype to make them fun. There's a difference between mini games and casual. I can play a mini game even if it has crappy forging, but I can't play cops and robbers with crappy forging. I prefer competitive, because not only are the games serious, but so is the forging. They are usually neater and made with a little more... I don't know... compassion for looks. I only play them once or twice then delete them, because mini games are the only ones that people WANT to play when you get into a party. Mini games are where it's at.