Hi all. I'm new to this, so let me know if I should be posting maps elsewhere or the best way to get others to play a map of mine, get critiques, comments, etc. I just don't know enough people to get a lot of games in on the map. So, found this site. So, my friend and I made this map. It's meant to mirror a rectangular castle. There are pathways across the surrounding walls and turrets at each corner. The castle's courtyard has space for warthogs and ghosts. A good variety of weapons (sniper, laser, rockets, grenade launcher, plasma pistol, needler) can be found on the level. It's intended for slayer or capture the flag gametypes. Here are some pictures: For more pictures: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Screenshots.aspx?player=Setrof Additionally, there is one aspect (that I don't care for but friend really likes) that I want some specific feedback on... In the center of the castle is a very high perch spot that is accessible by jetpack only. Above that are floating crates supported by some explosives. Shoot the explosives, down go the crates, onto the unsuspecting victim. I just think the entire perch and way to kill someone on it is unnecessary, but feel free to give your thoughts about that and the rest of the level. Anyway, also would be cool if I could participate in playing the map with some of you. So, feel free to friend me at "Setrof" and we could try getting some games in. Thanks everyone. If you play my (and my friend's) map, I hope you enjoy it.
I apologize for not putting this thread in up to standards. Please let me know if it's better now. I've put main thread picture and some other pictures in the thread itself. So, looks like I've got all areas covered. Sorry about that.