I'm new and i thought it should go in map adoption to .... suggest a map anyway I'm lazy a Lazy forger and castles 2d is one of those types of games you play on the computer that you usually have a castle and it has health also you have mana. you use the mana to make people and they rush across the field slashing anyone in there way to get to the enemy castle while they are doing the same thing... this can be accomplished in halo with walls or a narrow pathway only one person can walk on such as a wall. and two castles. the people will spawn in the castles and be forced to walk on the wall while they take out the enemy team one at a time and possibly if your in the back wait for your team ahead of you to die so you can play it would be a territories map or anything you choose but the spawns must be delayed A little bit and also you can't jump so you can get on-top of your teammates heads... i thought this would be a easy map for someone to make and it isn't a map adoption but an idea adoption... anyone is up for the challenge all i ask is you post your map on forgehub so the whole community can play it...
fine here is a prototype (blank map) Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details please go crazy do whatever you want to the map...