b man3737 and TheCircleDemon present Castle, a very balanced map that supports all default gametypes, but is the most fun on Assult or CTF. This map took a while to plan out, populate, and to make it balanced, so any comments/feedback would be a big help. Every single dollar on our budget was used! (No unlimited budget glitch) We did test this ourselves, and while we fixed everything that we thought was wrong, you may find something we didn't. If you do, please post below what you found and we will try our hardest to fix it as soon as we can. The testers had a great time on this map and, as all maps, is more fun with more people. Have fun! Map Link (at Bungie.net) Images: [img width=800 height=600]http://www.blbstudios.net/images/halo3/castle1.jpg[/img] Overview Shot 1 [img width=800 height=600]http://www.blbstudios.net/images/halo3/castle2.jpg[/img] Overview Shot 2 [img width=800 height=600]http://www.blbstudios.net/images/halo3/castle3.jpg[/img] Defence Base Shot 1 [img width=800 height=600]http://www.blbstudios.net/images/halo3/castle4.jpg[/img] Defence Base Shot 2 [img width=800 height=600]http://www.blbstudios.net/images/halo3/castle5.jpg[/img] Offence Base Shot 1 [img width=800 height=600]http://www.blbstudios.net/images/halo3/castle6.jpg[/img] Offence Base Shot 2 [img width=800 height=600]http://www.blbstudios.net/images/halo3/castle7.jpg[/img] Mancannon Shot P.S. The ManCannon is NOT broken, you just have to run at it in a straight line from the back. If you hit it from the side you will NOT make it.
There, done. Sorry for that, I was trying to make the page have a better load time. Just tell me if the images are too big.
Hmm, 3 things that I notice about the map... 1. There doesn't look like there is much cover except for a few spots. 2. The castle doesn't look like much of a castle. 3. The Castle seems to have a big height advantage seeing as there is no cover near the castle.
I know what you mean, but the screenshots don't really give this map justice. The playtests were actually more fun than most of the default maps, and there is no real height advantage. All I can really say to prove it would be to play it, and then you'll see what I mean (I hope that didn't come out rude..) Thanks for the comment though!