Ok, well i'm going to forge an invasion map, with a castle. (Cue backstory) Once upon a time, King Japsoidfuh was losing a war. He was a chair btw. King Pieaoh was going to siege the final castle of King Japsoidfuh, which he was in. This was the deciding battle of the war. So ridiculously important, that i would like a co-forger! Yay! Anyway i am going to use Vladamir356's idea to make an exploding door. Therefore, first phase is (surprise surprise) assault!. Second phase, disabling the power to the shield door to the king. Third phase, BLOW UP DAT KING WITH ANOTHER BOMB! (Glad ya brought two). Anyway, message arceushero if you are interested in co-forging. Oh and btw, i am keeping the names of the kings LOL.