EVERYTHING BY: TENDER BISQUIT [VISIT CLUE: REACH THREAD HERE] [DOWNLOAD CLUE: REACH HERE] [DOWNLOAD CASTLE IN THE SKY HERE] OVERVIEW Built as one of the first lines of defenses in the early days on the ring, this massive structure was referred to as the "Castle in the Sky," or "The Castle" in short. It welcomed many tactical and defensive strategies and proved to be a versatile asset to the first line. While the majority of the structure lies beneath the ground, engineers struggled to solve the problem of extending the base outside of the main hangar. What is available for exploration is estimated to be roughly 10% of the entire base in all actuality. Castle in the Sky was designed exclusively for use with the Clue: Reach gametype acting as the game's launch-day map within the Halo: Reach realm. The map comes complete with all updated Clue features incorporated, including Armor Abilities, Custom Powerups as well as quite a bit of new weaponry to play around with. The game, along with this particular map have been tested extensively to ensure the best experience is carried over from Halo 3 and the additions of some Reachesque perks just add that much more to gameplay and map possibilities. MAP DETAILS AVG Game Length: 4 minutes 32 seconds Armor Abilities: Sprint x4, Hologram x2, Active Camo x2, Evade x2 Weapons: Clue: Reach specific (see gametype for details) Time Spent Forging: 15+ hours SCREENSHOTS Below are some full-rez pis of the map... An overview of the map... it's friggin' big! Blue Quadrant Red Quadrant Orange Quadrant Green Quadrant Hellway to Rockets I'm showing you too much now... Enjoy! [VISIT CLUE: REACH THREAD HERE] [DOWNLOAD CLUE: REACH HERE] [DOWNLOAD CASTLE IN THE SKY HERE]
Yay for the first clue map, I loved helping test it out. I have to be honest too, I much more like clue in reach than I did in Halo 3. I also was glad to be able to find that custom before the release. On a side note, wasn't it Bisq' that made this?
Read the giant lettering at the top of the post... lol I think Tender is trying to stick to the whole being a zero post Premium (sort of now) member. He got Lights or Sarge (one of them) to post Golf. Anyway I really enjoyed this map. For one churned out so quickly after Reach it is amazingly forged and massive in size. Clue: Reach is also nicely done, keeping the old feel yet adding something new and nice to it. The whole fact that we know who the killer is yet can't see names add a whole new level of tension to it. All in all, good show old bean!
No its not a puzzle its a map for a mini game called Clue. Built only for that gametype. I have the link to the Clue Gametype thread in the beginning of the post. It explains all the rules and it is quite fun when u have a group of willing players
I feel like this needs a bit of a bump. i cant wait to play this, hopefully i can find a good group of people soon enough.