Map: One Flag CTF Gametype: Castle Grayskull is a map designed for one-flag CTF geared at 12-16 players. Attackers must take over control of the castle residing on the map that is heavily guarded by the defenders. Along the way, players will have to race past sniper bullets as well as lasers and machine gun turrets. Offense will have access to 4 mongooses, 1 warthog, and 1 prowler in attempts to steal the flag posted high in the castle. Defense will only have 2 mongooses located near the front gate of the castle to chase the opposing team back to the opposite base. Upon reaching the flag will be 2 man cannons; one sending you to the opposite base landing next to a mongoose, and one leading you to the base to score the flag. Attackers must get their hands on the flag and travel to the opposite base they spawn at in order to win the round; they will also receive 4 shotguns, 1 active camo, and 1 rocket launcher at their starting point. Below are screenshots of the map so you will get a feel of what you, and your enemies are up against. Defender Base Attacker Base Flag Spawn Stairway To Flag This map, along with the gametype is accredited by Just King, DEATHDEALERXL, and BiG lEbOwSkI152 Enjoy.
its a big only worry is that arnt the deffenders a little over powered? otherwise it looks ok
Looks a bit too easy for the defense...but maybe that's just me. That's partly because there's only one way up to the flag, meaning that all the defense has to do is grab snipers and turrets and focus on that one spot. Also, your base and floating platform looks a bit crooked, you might want to clean it up a little bit. I'd suggest somehow involving a teleporter behind the defender's base that leads up to a platform near the flag...
Getting everything to be as symmetrical as possible takes a ton of time. I'll eventually re-edit the map, but as of right now, Castle Grayskull fits my needs for a great CTF game.
its a giant fort... just like all the others ive seen what i need is something new! a new way i can play the game! Now thats what im lookin for
I think you did give the castle a little too much defense and the shield doors makes it stupid to have vechiles for the attackers except for transportation.
seeing as this is your first post this is an OK map it looks very sloppy from your first picture tho, you may want tp interlock the walls also just an idea
You could have interlocked some of it and made the floating objects more straight. Just so it looks neat.
looks good. a new idea for avalanche - a castle. Very cool. I was actually going to try a castle but i wasnt shure.