Don't attempt to combat the tank with othe vehicles. That will not work, the only vehicles capable of combatting the tanks are flying ones and mongeese. They can get close enough to hijack before they explode, everything else just goes boom Get a rocket or missile pod or 2 and you have a better chance...
I have been searching high and low trying to find a way to return the item max to where it belongs to no avail. But I did mess around with the unsupported gametypes in forge and mannaged to free up 13 more items, which doesn't seem like many but you could do a lot with them. I'm not to good with budget mannagement, just individual item limits but I know $31 spends fast. I think you could add all of, or many of the vehicles you were considering with the money atleast. If you want it let me know.
I don't know why there is a glitch with all my maps I make with the object count, but I've never made a map that hasn't hit it before. It's aggravating me entirely. I am truly dedicated to my work and have realized that some of the promises I made about gameplay was a bit over exaggerated. I have decided to start the map from scratch. I feel my experiences from making this map the first time will save me a ton of time making it a second. As well, from the amount of comments regarding the closure of Avalanche and it's gameplay I feel that they need to be number one priority. On that note, I would like to thank you, Public Servent, for your search of freeing up the map, but I am a crazy guy who likes to do things right even if it means starting all over again. ( Probably where all my time goes. ) This will allow myself to bring in newer techniques to the table that I have recently become aware of. Public Servent, I wanted to apologize for not sending you a friend request like promised. I have been busy elsewhere these holidays. For only short periods of time I've been at my xbox. I will send you a friend request right now, though I probably won't be on for much of this week. Please guys. If you have any suggestions about this version that you did not like please bring it to the table. Anything at all. A geomerge you did not like, weapon spawns, towers, ramps, difficulty maneuvering, etc. Please just bring it with some thought. I guess this will become more of an idea thread than anything right now. Happy Holidays Everyone! - Toxic Spade
This is the best avalanche map that I have had the privilege to play on, exellent balance of weapons and vehicles, the only thing I have against it is if you could build such a great castle then why didn't you block off the other side? the only reason I can think of would be the item limit being reached already. - The tank can be overpowered at times but rockets and gravity hammers help balance it out. - The castle is fantastically forged, merging aesthetics with playability. - Geomerging and interlocking are completely off the hook here, I didn't know it was possible to geomerge so cleanly. Congrats and great post, if you could help me and give me a tutorial on how to get pics up with the new bungie layout it'd be great. 10/10 and in the words of a friend, feature nao! edit: sorry I didnt read your post above lightsout's til now, good luck
well its not that big of a deal but i didnt really like the way that some of the power weapons were presented like the gravity hammer give it a weapon holder but thats just me, and maybe another way up to the flag capture then the default base maybe?
I swear Phreakie! I saw your name in one of the pics. If your going to test maps, INVITE ME! That's off topic though, now about the map. Your geomerging skills are excellent and I can't emphasize anymore about the greatness of the gameplay and aesthetics. They''re just great. I love it. Keep forging. Seriously.
I'm surprised this map has not been featured yet. I generally look for non-foundry maps, and can't believe I missed this one. I'm going to send you a friend request Toxic! This **** is just crazy. You truly are gifted. I know I really haven't been part of forgehub for a long time now so I don't know what's going on with it, but I believe that whoever decides which maps get featured must be an idiot not to make this a feature. As for the suggestions for this map. I believe you should leave it the way it is. It's fn perfect!
True enough, I will try my best to find some other spot to put the flag. It's just that it's very difficult to find a spot for the flag when the castle is positioned where it is. Sure I can help you with getting pics up in a post. I'll message you later. Thanks for the input. I realized when I was playing the map it can be a bit tricky to make the jump to grab the flag. I'll try my best in the redo to make it a bit easier. I've just got started with forging, i'm not gonna give up this early. LOL. I am glad somebody thinks I should leave it the way it is, but I also think some adjustments need to be made. I believe that a map can only get better if adjustments are constantly made. Please guys, if you have any suggestions / comments to make it better please tell me so I can incorporate it into v2!
Very good I have been waiting for this to come for a long time it is very good sweet geomerges and very nice interlocking although it doesnt have the best Aethestic (or how ever the hell you spell it) value it is a very good map 4.8/5
This map looks fantastic and very well planned out. The idea for putting a tank in is interesting, and I don't quite know how it will work, but I am interested to see. Also I'm sure the bubble shield idea will further complicate things... in a good way consider it cued =)
Put the laser in a more open place, in all the default maps, exlcuding high ground, it's somewhere neutral and relatively open, meaning that the laser is an important part of map dominance.
True, I don't think I will be keeping the scorpion though. The wraith looks like the best option so far, but I'll be moving it a bit over so that the attackers will have a definite chance of getting it first.
I just realized i haven't posted on this yet, and i just wanna say it is one of the best avalanche asymmetrical maps yet, up there with coldfront. Crossing my fingers for you on the feature.
I definitely think you should keep the scorpion. Sure, its a major power on the map, but it can be taken out if the players actually think instead of just rushing at it with their freakin BR's. I like because of the strategy. The attackers can get it fastest, but they must play it smart, because driving straight up in the base will result in getting 'jacked. So there is that. And if the attackers end up recovering it, sure, its tough for the defenders to take it out, but its their fault for letting it fall into enemy hands. And its NOT all that tough to destroy. There are rockets, a laser, and a power drain on the map that are all devastating to the scorpion. If the defenders lose the tank, they must concentrate on obtaining one of these. Its your choice, but I just think that the scorpion adds a great deal to the gameplay.
True, True, It's very tough to decide what to do. I really liked the scorpion and the type of gameplay it offered. Hmm.. I'm just wondering what Shiska will say about it.
Wow this looks really awesome, I will try Bomb on here looks like much fun. CTF also, I always wanted to see a good Avalanche map, and here is another good example of what I wanted. Fighting on the Castle looks like it would be awesome. I truly enjoy this map 5/5. -Zanitor
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed putting this one together, although it was frustrating at times, in the end, I thought it was a pretty fun to build. Thanks for the comment.
Wow this is amazing it must have taken forever (did you do the geomerging with the yellow shield doors?) The only thing that could use a little work is on the left side of the base there are a few minor faws that could be fixed in seconds, such as the mancannon being above ground. Overall 5/5