Legendary DLC Castlanche

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Toxic Spade, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    LOL. Ok, There. Thanks for the support. I did try putting more cover, however my testers and I were finding that it kept people from maneuvering properly with vehicles such as the tank. It made it easier for the defenders to get out of the castle and try to attack the tank.

    Wow, once again thanks guys for the support. I know a ton of you guys have been reveiwing this map. The amount of views on this map is absolutely phenomenal for a map that hasn't even been featured.

    Please don't hesitate to make suggestions!

    - Toxic Spade
  2. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    I wonder if they will feature this map even though it is for a relatively big team. the geomerging is perfect, and your use of the boxes sideways to make it taller are a great example of using all you can get on avalanche. I would really like to test and or play on this map but the only parties i can ever get into are retarded infection games and such. Good luck for a feature on this practically perfect map. 5/5 but i would like to add better comments if i could actually get a party big enough to actually try this map out. sincerely, Frozen Banshee
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    yes, it does seem that for some reason Halo 3 is plagued with infection. It just gets old for me really fast, which is why it is great that a lot of people here at forgehub are commited to making great slayer/objective maps. I'm sure that Toxic Spade would gladly invite you to a game, or I will come to your party if you are itching for one. GT: R00STERillusion (zeroes in r00ster)

    And whats the deal with all this talk of a feature? This map has more views than many featured maps, even ones that have been out twice as long as Castlanche. I mean sure, it would be nice to see this featured, but the fact that it is more popular than maps that HAVE been featured makes a huge statement about the fact that great maps will get views and downloads regardless of the maker's connections with forgehub staff.
    #63 ShaddoBlade, Dec 21, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2008
  4. freezefry

    freezefry Ancient
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    hey how did he get the pictures to not have those annoying "you resized the image" bars above them
  5. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I got them that way because these images are already a small size. I resized them on imageshack. There should be an option to resize your images when you upload them.

    I am not sure what's up with the views. I really can't believe Castlanche has had this many, when it hasn't even been featured. Thanks guys, once again!
  6. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    This is one of, if not the best, map i have played on avalanche. It is extremely fun to play, well-balanced, and cleanly interlocked. The spawns and weapons are balanced, the structures are strategically placed, and the the fort is an aesthetic masterpiece. Fantastic job, really. Let's see some more of these. 5/5
  7. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    I only have 1 question. How did you do the aerial shots? I have one way in my mind but I'm not sure if its the way you did yours.
  8. freezefry

    freezefry Ancient
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    This sure as hell looks good, I'll give you that, but it seems that there are too many areas to go to away from the fortress. It still looks beast though :)
  9. Kalriq

    Kalriq Ancient
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    this is amazing
    you have my download
  10. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I think Coldfront just got beat for best objective map on Avalanche! This map is amazing. It's almost like the geometry of Avalanche was made for your map. The hills and the bridge on Avalanche are just built right in to your map and that's what makes it really awesome. I played a few games of one bomb and it was a blast! Castlanche for BoF objective map!

    Edit: Wait, 3rd overall most viewed competitive map and it's only been a week? What?!
  11. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    what do you mean you cant beleive it??? if i ever spent 347hours building a map i would freaking expect to get at least 5,000 views, and thats mostly because when you spend that much time building a map, you think through all the angles and rework the map until it plays how you expected it to.

    awsome job, and a definite BoF objective map, and best of all, its inexcapable! (since technically as there are no boundries, breaking/escaping the map is impossible!)

    the only thing i would say i dislike about the map, is manuevering about the inside of the castle.... its just a pain to have to jump onto the geomerged box to reach the upper level.

    and another thing that is quite dissapointing, is mostly forgehub...

    with 9,000 views ,and 70 replies(w00t #70 XD), this map should have more then 407 downloads...really guys...22% of the people that view are downloading....kinda sad...
    #71 HydroZoid, Dec 22, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2008
  12. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Agreed, it is sad that not many people download. But you have to keep in mind that there is a few things that feed into views. First, when you post on a thread you subscribe to it. I have posted in this thread and I always look at the recent posts, and as a matter of fact I must have looked again dozens of times. I am sure many others do the same.

    Second, it is an impressive looking (I say looking since I haven't played it yet) Non-Foundry objective map posted during a high traffic timeframe, in this case during the surge of people checking us out while we were on Bungie Favorites.

    While I am here I just want to reiterate something to all members. Just because a map has a lot of views does not mean it will be featured. This map may or may not be in discussion right now, but if it is it will be played and tested by members of the staff that look at many different aspects of a map before deciding if it will be featured. This usually takes weeks. Some maps like Aesthetic maps and switches such as Moon Waffle are features for those specific traits, but a map such as this needs to be good in all areas, such as balance, weapon placement, game flow, spawn effectiveness, and fun gameplay (among other things). Just because it "looks cool, sweet intermeges!!@!!" doesn't mean it will be featured.

    Now I noticed that this was tagged with "do I smell a feature??". This is a no no and I have removed it. I don't know if Toxic put it there or not, but pushing for a feature is the fastest way to not get featured. Just like asking for loyal is the fastest way to not get loyal. Just let these things come and if you are deserved enough and meet all of the criteria, it will.
  13. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I am not really sure who put that tag there about the feature. I noticed that like a couple days after I submitted this map. Thanks for removing it creeping death.
  14. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    even with that said creep, just because a map isn't feature worthy doesnt mean it doesnt deserve a dl, and yes i too have come through this thread a couple of times (obviously)

    there is a LARGE scale gap between dl worthy and feature worthy.

    feature means its the best of the best,

    dl worthy means that it isnt some idiot posting a map that took and hour to make and 2 hours to post...
  15. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You are correct in a few aspects Hydro. There is a huge difference between a Featured map and one you just download. As a matter of fact, most featured maps don't really have that many downloads until they get featured.

    But you do have to take a few things unto consideration. First is content space. I personally only download a map if it looks impressive and the member did a good job of selling me the map. I have been close to the 100 item limit mark for a while so the only way I play certain maps is if it impresses me enough that I feel the need to clear something off of my HD, Another reason could be the scale of the map. It seems to me that this map plays best with a larger party and for many people who don't have a lot of friends on live, this can be a turnoff. And don't forget the downfall of FH is the people who skim and rate on pics, and that happens alot more than you might think.
  16. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    That post is completely accurate to my views on all of those aspects. When I first downloaded this map, I couldn't get a game on it for a full week due to lack of people in the party. So that's one thing.

    However, another reason I believe that there is a reduced amount of downloads is due to the fact that a large percentage of Halo 3 players haven't downloaded the Legendary map pack yet. In every party I play with, usually 1/4 of the party doesn't have the maps. So a lot of those users who don't download probably can't. I'm sure more people would download this if they all had the map pack.
  17. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    I see your point creep. this type of map, nice as it is, is for a specific type of person. first, you need a larger party, then the legendary maps, and you have to like objectives...

    just to be weird and to contradict myself... a dl count doesn't really determine map quality, just like # of hours spent doesn't either.

    live and learn...right?
  18. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    Castleanche was an amazing map.

    It really gave off the feeling of a castle and it played well. The two vertical towers were very nicely built and I loved territories on this map. I also like how you worked in the large mancannon in the back of the Castle. Love the map and I'll be waiting to see this featured hopefully.

    P.S- Sorry I didnt post on this sooner or with a better review but I dont think you need it since this already has over 70 posts and 9,200 views :D
  19. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Thanks for your comment. I know we had a blast when we were play testing it that one night with a couple people. It is more of a fun objective map than anything. It really is a shame that this map has received so many views, but a ton less downloads.

    Tags: I am not sure who added the tags to this thread "Unfinished", "Escapable", & "Budget Glitched". I am not sure if the person that applied those tags actually read the thread, but this map is not budget glitched. Yes it is escapable, but it is meant for objective gametypes not slayer.
  20. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I noticed the tags too and edited them in the appropriate manner. They are now all relevant to the map and nothing else.

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