UPDATED!!! THOWBACK V1.1 Download here:Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details See bottom for details. Castellum The current version is the Throwback V1.0. Throwback is compatible with all CTF, Assault, KOTH, Oddball and Slayer variants. Because of the max object limit in Forge, I have to make a separate version for other gametypes. Look out for Onyx Version soon! By Joe JFG Summary Castellum is a symmetrical multi-purpose map best suited for team gameplay. It's a larger map and I recommend 8-16 players. There are two symmetrical towers that are divided by a dangerous open area. Or you could choose the safer route and pick the underground tunnels. To make it even easier to get around, I have Grav Lifts and teleporters! Defend your base from your foes, but be careful not to fall into the icy water below.... Helicopter-shotFTW! Layout First, I think I will start off with my reasoning behind the map name. Castellum is the Latin word for "Castle", and I think the term fits my map appropriately. When I had set out to make this map I had a few things in mind... Hammer Time! One of the first things I drew on my original sketch was an underground system of tunnels. They are shaped like a giant cross with a square intersecting half-way through each arm. Every passageway here is long and narrow. These flooded tunnels are all but abandoned throughout most of the game and their main purpose is to serve as an alternate and safer route from tower to tower. Enter if You Dare... In the middle is a more open area that is home to the Gravity Hammer and the Concussion Rifle, which are divided by thick pillar in the middle of the map. So if you find yourself beaten in the initial rush for the Hammer, you can always grab the Concussion Rifle to push your foe back! Stay Back! Just outside of the tunnels are small rock platforms that are connected to the bottom floor of the bases. They also sport Grav Lifts that can send you to the open portion of the map. Which Way do You Go? Now on to the main floor... The middle of the map was intended to be more open. The only cover is a bridge that runs down the middle and two large rocks with spiral walk-ways to the top. Ain't it Beautiful? The bridge had two main functions: To add variety and cover to the middle of the map; and to block the line of sight from the top of the bases and the opposite half of the map. On a side note, it also guards the Plasma Launcher and two plasma pistols. What's That Noise? The Bridge's support Columns also hide the Sniper Rifles Longshot! The rocks were made as a replacement. I originally had two additional bases on the sides of Castellum, but the Forge Budget wouldn't allow me to keep them. So instead, I made these rocks. Aside from providing great cover, you can climb the spiral walkway to be greeted by a teleporter on top. Oh Yeah, There's a Healthpack Here Too! Somthing else that might interest you is that there is a Rocket Launcher in the middle. BOOM! However, if you would rather hide in the comfort of your own base, the entrance is right here... You Can Go Both Ways! These pathways will lead you to Floor Two. Here you will find an open bunker that I use to house the flag in Multi-Flag and the Capture Points in all Assault Variants. Secure As Can- Wait! A GRENADE!!!!11111one11 There is also a hole to jump down into the Grenade Launcher Room on Floor One. Did I Forget To Mention... THERE IS A GRENADE LAUNCHER ROOM? There are also ramps that can take you from Floor Two to Floor One or Floor Two to Floor Three. [B][IMG]http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/9021/reach12021002full.jpg[/IMG] F1-F2 [IMG]http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/1051/reach12020980full.jpg[/IMG] F2-F3 [/B]I was very careful when I was designing the top floor. I didn't want to create a spot only Jet-Packers could get up too, or a spot that was overpowered. I eventually came up with a design that I think works out. [IMG]http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/4489/reach12020957full.jpg[/IMG] [I][B]Shiny! [/B][/I]I have Receiver Nodes at the top to easily flank campers. [CENTER][IMG]http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/7943/reach12020955full.jpg[/IMG][SIZE=1][I][B] Teleport-Rific! [/B][/I][/SIZE][LEFT]The teleporters are linked to the closer rock and another teleporter in the tunnels down below... [CENTER][SIZE=1][I][B][IMG]http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/1721/36944758.jpg[/IMG] Did I Forget to Show You? [/B][/I][/SIZE][LEFT]Also up top: A defensive turret! Kill those who try to climb toward the teleporter! [CENTER][IMG]http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/8380/70847075.jpg[/IMG][I][B][SIZE=1] Fun For the Whole Family! [IMG]http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/7717/24758665.jpg[/IMG] ...When on the Other Side [/SIZE][/B][/I][LEFT]And that concludes our tour of the map! Except I forgot to show you where the Shotty spawns. [CENTER][SIZE=1][I][B][IMG]http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/6338/reach12020960full.jpg[/IMG] Over Here, Actually [IMG]http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/9505/reach12020937full.jpg[/IMG] A Close-Up, Just For You [/B][/I][/SIZE][LEFT][I][SIZE=3] Weapons [/SIZE][/I] [LIST] [*]DMR x8 [*]Needle Rifle x6 [*]Needler x2 [*]Gravity Hammer x1 [*]Concussion Rifle x3 [*]Plasma Launcher x1 [*]Rocket Launcher x1 [*]Sniper Rifle x2 [*]Plasma Pistol x4 [*]Plasma Repeater x2 [*]Grenade Launcher x2 [*]Shotgun x2 [*]Mounted Machinegun x2 [*]Plasma Grenade x8 [/LIST] [SIZE=3][I] Feedback [/I][SIZE=2]I am sad to say I had alot of trouble getting enough people together to test even a 6v6. So I'm looking forward to all feedback: positive or negative. So download and play! Also this is my first thread, so I'd appreciate feedback on how I did making this too [SIZE=3][I] Updates [/I][SIZE=2]Since I know I'm not perfect, here is where I will post future updates and refinements to my map. [SIZE=3]UPDATED: 1/3/10[/SIZE] [B]Throwback V1.1: Update Notes[/B] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [LIST] [*][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] Plasma Launcher now has a respawn time of 90 [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [*][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Rocket Launcher now has a respawn time of 120[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [*][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Sniper moved to underneath bridge to make it easier to reach.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [*][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]DMRs originally underneath the bridge have been moved to the Floor Three.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [*][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Floor One Platforms have been lowered so you don't have to jump to grab the Plasma Grenades or Grenade Launcher.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [*][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Initial Loadout Cameras Moved.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [*][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]Blue Team Spawns in CTF have been fixed.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] [/LIST] [CENTER][SIZE=1][I][B][IMG]http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/6912/29076791.jpg[/IMG] New Sniper Location [IMG]http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/9412/u11a.jpg[/IMG] Lower Platform [IMG]http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/101/u12d.jpg[/IMG] New DMR Location [/B][/I][/SIZE][LEFT][SIZE=1][B][SIZE=4]Look Out for Onyx Version! Coming Soon![/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [/LEFT] [SIZE=1][/SIZE][SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=3][SIZE=2][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
It looks very well forged, and well thought out, but it seems like you didn't spend enough time on the middle of the map (the top floor). It just seems way too open, kind of like the middle of Pinnacle. Also, the map looks a little dull, as far as aesthetics go, but that's just fine. You said that you met the forge object limit, but I saw several places in which you could have substituted for less objects, especially on the ramps, where you used more ramps to fill the space underneath them, where you could have used 1 Building block (you might have been out of them though). Overall, it looks like a solid map that should make for some fun CTF or Assault games. But you ripped of the naming procedure from me! I have Experior Locus (which is in my signature, by the way, and you should download it), which is "Test Location" in Latin. Ah, whatever.
Thanks for the feedback, styxman! I have to admit, the aesthetics are a bit lack-luster. I over-estimated the forge budget when I started, but I think I did a decent job with what I had. I did, in fact, run out of blocks and used ramps toward the end. When I was finished and started laying down spawns, it wouldn't let me lay down any more than 10 spawns! So I had to delete more objects to lay down spawn points. When I made the map, I focused more on recreating pathways and lines of sight as they were on my original sketches. On my next map, I think I'll pay more attention to aesthetics and try to be more conservative with the forge budget. Thanks. I'll also download your map. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Updated to Throwback V1.1.