
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by XFennoX, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. XFennoX

    XFennoX Forerunner

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    History of the map

    In times gone by, the Forerunners built a temple of perfect harmony, where they could meditate and discuss philosophical ideaologies amongst themselves while their more militaristic brethren fought the immeasurable hordes of the Flood. Then, as time and decay spread throughout the universe, the Forerunners left this sacred place to a group of religious fanatics. These...holy men, used to call this sanctuary their home. It was a safe haven, well protected against any enemy of the faith: here, they had weapons, good health and general peace of mind. But then, as time wore on, they grew mad. Contact with the outside world had been completely discarded within the iron catacombs of the old temple. Soon, the zealots broke out into armed combat, killing their sworn brothers in cold blood.

    45 years later, the site had been rediscovered by ONI operatives working around the Installation. There, they sent a small battalion of Spartan III to undergo reconnaissance missions. But, little did ONI know, insurgents had aquired suits of Mark IV and V armour, enhancing their militias strength considerably. The rebel leaders sent in their mechanised mercanaries to test the full potential of their armour against SPARTANs.

    Overview of the Map
    This map is pretty much a symmetrical, team-based map that is ideally suited for 4v4 gameplay. Gamemodes supported are Team Slayer, CTF, One Bomb and Headhunter. There is a central walkway through the centre of the map, where the Energy Sword spawns - this is equally accessible in distance by both teams. Upon initial spawning, both teams will have their vision of each other obscured by a Large Brace hanging from the ceiling. This is both to break massive LoS and to prevent spawn killing. There are some spots that could be considered "campy" in the map, but any parties using these quarters can be easily flushed out with grenades.

    x4 DMR (2 in each spawn)
    x2 Shotgun
    x2 Plasma Pistol
    x2 Grenade Launcher
    x2 Machine Gun Turrets
    x1 Energy Sword





    DOWNLOAD NOW: : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 XFennoX, Dec 12, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  2. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks very promising for its type of map. I like how you used the killballs beneath the shield doors like that, its a good change from just having nothing there and letting a player fall to his/her death. I also liked the location of the lights for each team, inside of the teleporter frame. I am surprised no one has posted here yet, this is a legit symmetrical good-looking map.
  3. XFennoX

    XFennoX Forerunner

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    Thanks heaps :) A rather peculiar thing about the one way shield: it acts as a magnet of sorts if you get too close and pulls you down into the killball. If you see in the Sword Balcony/Overview screen, the grey border surrounding the hole is probably the area you would expect to have this happen. With the lights, I didn't really wan't them just floating there, as some maps do. So I put them into the teleporter frame, making it look like a hanging lantern. Thanks for your positive review! :)
  4. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hmm... maybe a normal shield door would be better so that it doesn't suck you in and that if you fall in and die it's of your own fault? I'd get annoyed after dying like that a few times.
  5. XFennoX

    XFennoX Forerunner

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    Fix'd. New DL link should be up and running :)

    Edited by merge:

    Feeling like a prick for doing this...but shamed self-bump. I am a sad face now :C
    #5 XFennoX, Dec 29, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010

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