
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SlyDog210, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. SlyDog210

    SlyDog210 Forerunner

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    The Overview
    Cascade medium sized multilayerd platform designed with several escape routes from top to bottom. It is very close quartars on the two bottom levels with an open top and works very well with 4x4 slayer. The crane located in the middle of map gives Cascade its uniqueness and had a great time building its struture.

    The Weapons
    Sniper Rifle
    Grenaide Launcher
    4 DMR
    2 Needle Rifle
    2 Plasma Pistol
    2 Plama Repeator

    The Creation
    Before I began constructing Cascade, all I had in mind was to make somthing that featured the waterfall. Unfortunately I found out that I couldnt build too close to the waterfall or you'll find yourself in a kill boundry, but I think it ended up working out fine. The crane that is located above the middle platform was accually a friend of mines idea that turned out to be a splended idea. If you ever take a good look at the map, you'll notice several escape routes that enables players to make a quick haste away from battle. This seems to be the part of Cascade that gives it a unique quality over the other maps I have created. There are quite a few power weapons on the map considering the size of it. I noticed during 2x2 battles that almost every player has at least one of them. I am very pleased with the final result and hope many enjoy the creativity behind it.

    Top Level

    Sniper Side

    Middle Level[​IMG]l

    Lower Level

    For the Win
    The Testing
    Testing this map has proven to be a great amount of fun. The multiple amounts of levels creates a fun platform to play on, especially with the escape routes located from top to bottom. It's proved to be fun with 2x2 slayer as well as 4x4 slayer. When the testing was done, the players either loved it or hated it, their was harly anybody in the middle. I got a few complaints about their being too many levels while some enjoyed them, but in the end, I decided to leave it alone and it worked well enough the way it is.

    Shotgun to the Face

    No Scope

    The Future
    In the future, I plan to post a few more action screenshots after a few more tests on the map has been done. I will also try and make a Flythrough video for viewers to better understand the layout of the map design. Feel free to post any point of view that you might have and any type of constructive criticism is welcome.

    Also check out some of my other favorite maps that I've made. Just click on the picture below, sign in, then check out SlyDog210 threads under the statistics tab.

    #1 SlyDog210, Mar 2, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2011

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