
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Roark, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Roark

    Roark Ancient
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    (Let me preface this by saying this is my first attempt making a decent map, so please, don't be gentle! If something's not working, tell me. I thrive on constructive criticism. Also, being my first map, I'm well aware that the interlocking / geomerging is pretty sub par, so I apologize in advance.)

    Map Title: Casa
    (Just in case someone doesn't know, it means "house" in Spanish.)

    Map Description:
    A fast-paced, aesthetically interesting map filled with strategic control points, open spaces, narrow halls, and multi-leveled structures for optimum fun.

    Players / Gametypes:
    Supports all gametypes. 1 Flag CTF, 1 Bomb Assault, Slayer gametypes, and KotH work best. Territories works fine, as well, but I will admit it is rather subpar. Any pointers to improve that would be great. There is not a gametype that is horrible on this, but it does not support Juggernaut. (At least the one with way-points)

    Works best with 4 v 4, but also supporst 3 v 3 quite well, and it may even work with 5 v 5. (Haven't tried that)


    Overview of the main spawn for defenders

    Front of defensive base (And also where the map gets its name from)

    Inside of the Attacker's spawn

    The "garage" (This is where the ghost is, and it also functions as a secondary spawn for attackers during asymmetric games. Also, to give credit where credit is due, I did take the design for the "garage" from the map Kentucky Tango)

    Sniper Ramp (This is located in front of the garage and provides a counter to the sniping point at the top of the Casa 4)

    Shotgun Tower (Just past the Sniper Ramp. Also has a BR on top)

    Teleporter Outside (This is one way to get into the base. This teleporter leads to...)

    Teleporter Inside

    Center (This also shows the "stairs" leading up to the top of the attacker's spawn.)

    The Bridge (Connects top of attacker spawn with Casa 2)

    Action Screenshots:



    (Also shows the back hall housing the bubble shield and also connecting attacker spawn and garage)


    About The Map

    This map was designed with one game in mind: 1 Flag CTF. However, during the design process, I took into account every other gametype and adjusted accordingly. The setup inside the Casa makes it very disadvantageous to camp, and there are enough other places to keep players constantly on the move. It is difficult to control all the ways into the flag spawn (the Casa), so someone is always getting in, and if you don't have tight defenses and good teamwork, you will lose. If the attackers manage to take the flag, they still have a lot of choices ahead of them. Multiple ways to the flag return point ensure that every game will play differently.

    The map is also seamlessly played with Assault, and it is surprisingly fluid and incredibly fun with gametypes such as Slayer, Oddball, and KotH.

    The map is asymmetrical. However, it functions very well as a symmetrical map as well. During symmetrical games, the wire fences housing the turrets at each respective side are removed to improve flow of gameplay.

    The map features multiple control points that will cause an uncoordinated team to suffer if they fail to control certain areas. As for the weapons, they are as follows:

    Sniper x2 (90s) (2 clips) [I am considering changing this. It seems like this should be one less clip or a higher respawn to prevent it from being so powerful.]
    Machine Gun Turret x2 (120s)
    Shotgun x1 (90s) (1 clip)
    Rocket Launcher (90s) (0 clip) [I hate this weapon, so I crippled it. It's become a "clutch" weapon, and I think it's rather effective to use it this way.]
    Sword x1 (120s)
    Mauler x3 (45s) (1 clip)
    BR x9 (45s) (2 clips)
    AR x4 (30s) (2 clips)
    SMG x4 (30s) (2 clips)
    Needler x2 (60s) (2 clips)
    Pl. Rifle x2 (30s)
    Pl. Pistol x1 (60s)
    Spiker x2 (30s) (2 clips)
    Carbine x2 (45s) (2 clips)
    Flamethrower x1 (120s)

    Ghost x1 (120s)

    Frag x8 (20s)
    Plasma x8 (20s)

    Active Camo x1 (90s)

    Trip Mine x1 (90s)
    Grav Lift x1 (90s)
    Bubble Shield x1 (90s)
    Power Drain x1 (90s)
    Regen x1 (90s)

    [Each weapon / equipment is there for a specific reason. If it seems like I've arbitrarily added something, point it out and I'll provide justification for it! Or at least try! XD]

    Download Casa at the link below:

    Anyways, my friends and I had a lot of fun doing some customs on this one, so I hope someone else is able to enjoy it! (Also, hope I'm not leaving anything out of my post x.x)

    Any critique is welcome!
  2. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    The map looks fairly well built but a little to open try putting some scenery or something to enclose some things....Another thing i don't like is the shotgun tower Make more idk intriguing like "oo what is that" more people would want to see whats over there. But overall this map is a good start keep forging. I would give this a 3.5/5 good start.
  3. Toofgib

    Toofgib Ancient
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    Let me start off by saying I really dig the layout of the map its really fun to play on. You need to add more objects in the middle its kinda bland right now.
    Thats all I can really see right now, make the merging and stuff smoother.
  4. Roark

    Roark Ancient
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    Well, the thought crossed my mind, but I really wanted an open center part to the map.

    Remember Ascension? Once you got the flag, you had multiple ways you could go. Some ways had more cover, others had less, and if you went straight down the center, you had absolutely none. I kind of wanted that feeling in a 1 Flag CTF game, but I'm open to the idea of changing it. (Budget is currently maxed out, and I don't want to budget glitch this one.)

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice, I see alot of geomerging and great senery placement, and that fence cat walk looks really good. I also see some interesting designs with the dubble box's. In all the asthtetics are good with what looks like it would be great game play. Keep up the forging!
  6. Roark

    Roark Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the compliment!
  7. aDeAdHeRo875

    aDeAdHeRo875 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well this looks like a good idea, the map looks well done so i'm going to try this. i can't really grade since i'm brand new to forging but if i could i would give it a 3.75. if you could smooth some things up then you would have a great map.
  8. MrSpi

    MrSpi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is what i was thinking but the two windo panels in the 5 pic look a bad on the box they should be on the box only not floting othen then that its decent 3.5/5

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