Large mansion map great for assault and slayer.
True. Alot of mansion maps are sloppy and have very limited entry and exit points. My map has alot of different choke points. And it also has the advantage of the high ground on the teleporter roof. Thanks.
ya, put that in your script, anyway, the map looks decent, at first when i saw it was a mansion, i was rather dissapointed to see this in competitive, but now, i suppose that it could be a decent assault variant
Hmm, I think that mansions are getting old as well. This has its ups and downs, and at least you made a smaller outpost to counter the mansion itself with.
ya there has been a lot of mansions/houses but this one looks different than all the other ones. i give him props for that but i won't download because all house maps play the same...
This is the second best mansion i've ever seen , seriously. the only one that rivals this is bart's mansion and this looks like it comes close.
this looks like a very even mansion. you didnt favor the defenders over the attackers, which is very good, unlike many mansion makers. worth the dl.