Cartographer Cartographer has taken me in total about 12 hours of forging to create, with a little more to do after the TG gets their hands on it. Initial playtests have gone well. The first person to play it, when asked what he thought described it in two words; ****ing epic. The name was taken from the inspiration for this map; Halo CE's level "The Silent Cartographer" I originally thought car0graph, but then I realised there was a lot of negative press associated with it To demonstrate the similarities here are a few select mouseovers (NB - Some of these pictures are slightly outdated): Spoiler [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] [mouseoverimage=][/mouseoverimage] And now, for the map itself Spoiler Updated base room, now with sexy doors! This doors, too sexy for Forge Hub, too sexy for your pub so sexy yeah... Action Shot! Power weapon number one: The Larch (aka the energy sword) Overlooking the facility Overview of central area & centrepiece Overview of the map Weapon List: DMR x 2 Pistol x 3 AR x 2 Grenade Launcher x 1 Energy Sword x 1 Frag Grenade x 2 Plasma Grenade x 1 Health Pack x 2 Some skill jumps also exist, although i'm not going to tell you those and weapon placement, now am I? UPDATE 1: Pictures added, poll added UPDATE 2: A couple of picture overlays added to test out how I can recreate stuff UPDATE 3: More overlay pictures added. Go on! Mouse over them! UPDATE 4: Centrepiece mouseover added. Sideways room mouseovers added UPDATE 5: Totally changed layout of post. Added REAL pictures UPDATE 6: Sent to the TG. Small change to close off the centre walkways slightly to increase use of the area.
Talking to you in the chat, you said you had a solid concept and I'd really like to see how this one turns out so just keep meh posted on what you're doin' on this one, Broli.
Just updated with pictures. Please tell me what you think, whether I should have the first centrepiece option or the second. Personally I like the second, but I digress Updated with more stuff.
This could end up a good idea I personally like the ideas you have for the overall layout. And i prefer the second option I think it will end the best overall, if you need some design help or anything just let me know . May I ask where you would build the map itself or would it be a floater?
Would be great for an invasion map and I personally would love to play both slayer and infection on it.
The fact is that the blocks in FW are simply nothing like the ones from the original maps. I think you did a good job doing the side by side (or in this case switching) comparison. But the surfaces are nothing of the same. Sad, but I hope 343i gives us a new set of blocks that are more smooth and forerunner engraved as the original maps had shown.
From what I have initially, it's good. At one point I was considering invasion, but it would have meant multiple levels which would eat away at the budget, and become a not repetitive. I've finished the central structure. It looks damned cool, although there's been a minor change to it. Add me on XBL and Ill let you in if you want. And the map is In the coliseum. I've gotten around some of the stupid problems with the lighting in there And if theres anybody that knows their way around spawning, i'd much appreciate some help with it Just added more overlays. Entire first spoiler section is done Just another update. The map is mainly finished. Both bases exist, the bridge ecists, power weapons, normal weapons and health packs have been placed. However, the building like platform will not exist due to both forging and possible camping issues. Also, theres still over $7000 of the budget left There are a couple of nifty skill jumps, and its all looking very good. I've nearly run out of building blocks though, and I still need stuff to break down the lines of sight. If anybody could lend me a hand with that I would be incredibly grateful. Also, I will be doing some playtesting soon, so put your name down here if you are interested. ktnxbai
From what I saw of it earlier, I can say that I look forward to playing on it when it is completed. The dynamic spawns so far work pretty well, and with a few adjustments, they can be pretty much flawless.
Holy crap those mouse-over pictures are so damn annoying. Can you put the comparison screenshots side-by-side so I can actually see the pictures? Every time I try to put my mouse over the screenshot, it goes all spastic on me.
I'll see what I can do The map is about 99.9999% completed. The other 0.0001% is from the TG. I'm going to remove some of those screenshots, update others and finally post some pictures of the full map
It's not a perfect remake, but i think you did it good. Perhaps change the blocks/place them differently. Also, i love your doors
It is worth stressing that this is not a remake. The features I have remade such as the side rooms were deliberatly altered for gameplays sake, because they were just too small.