Carpe Noctem

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RustyMuFFins, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. RustyMuFFins

    RustyMuFFins Forerunner

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    I made the map in Montana, an almost unused section of Forge World with some interesting geological features. I threw in some rock to enhance natural cover. The map primarily caters to the stealthy though. It's not difficult to see, but it's easier to sneak around undetected if radar is off. Coordinated advancing is the best strategy for team events.
    The red base is quite nice and the blue base features a really nice interior ceiling using tunnels, it reminds me of a cathedral in daylight.
    For flag games exclusively, it's dusk -using the Orange FX. For any slayer variant, it's Purple FX and Juicy FX. The sunset seemed to fit with flags better. I was having some issues with flag version however. I got it to work, but if anyone notices any issues, please bring it to my attention so I can fix it.
    The map doesn't look like much with aerial shots, but remember Valhalla?
    I'm always open to suggestions.

    Evidence of my statement that there's more to this than there appears. There are numerous natural ledges and barriers which keep the gameplay dynamic -even in such a small area, but hey, Guardian was small. (I miss Guardian.)


    By dropping down on the Gorge-side of the cliff, red team will find a useful way of avoiding blues taking advantage of high ground on the opposite side.


    Bear in mind how small you are compared to the boulders. They provide ample cover.


    Th Banshee only spawns on FFA games so blue team and red team don't have drastically weird dynamics. A Spartan Laser and two Sniper Rifles are present on the map to bring it down. Banshee users can retreat to other sections of Forge World to regen if needed, but the killzones on the ground levels are worthy of note. Don't fall into the gorge without a jetpack.

    #1 RustyMuFFins, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011

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