i really like the time travel one. i think im in love. id prob just use a dif tone of grey on the left if you wanna even bother. as for carnival. it has good flow n depth. and th colors are nice except it seems like your sticking in your comfort zone for that one. so i don't like it as much
On time travel I want to see what it looks like if the left side of his face is a bit brighter, or the BG, right now you can't really see it because it's dark... Then again, it makes me stare at it longer which I guess is the point. Either way I feel the left is a tiny bit too dark. Overall I like it a lot though.
Thanks brohans. And SRC, I was going for a really dark kinda grungy tag with time travel, but I had the lightsource so that there would be good contrast. Also, it's meant to kind of disguise his face, because hes a liar and the show is basically about mysterious ****.
I think Time Travel is perfect the way it is, although theres something off with the second one, perhaps it's the orange.