A good person over at the bungie forums told me to head here for some good testers and advice. So here is my map's link and the variant for the CTF Variant: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details And Some screenshots! A overview of the red base (Above) An overview of Blue's base (Above) Overlook of the chasm. (Above)
Either add gravlifts or more paths to reach the upper walkways. As it is, walking to one of the places to get on would take a long time.
Is there a lot of ground action here? To me it just looks like air-oriented. Which isn't a bad thing at all, i was just wondering where the majority of the action happens
At the moment, on both bases we have 2 man cannons to access the very top base like structures. These offer some cover and good weapons with the drawbaack of being noticed. And It is mostly ground based. We have 2 warthogs and 1 airplane (i forget the name), the airplane has a 3 minute CD and is to be fought over for control.
The airplane is called a falcon, and with this much vertical combat, you will need more than one, and probably want to add some banshees too. Every walkway seems like it would be difficult to reach so more than two man cannons would be important. The spire has four grav lifts to get to the same tower, you have one for each.
I dont quite understand what yo mean about the grav lifts. Added after 1 Day 23 Hours: Need more advice and testers!