Cargo Ship Mockup CoD4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by TaeGukGi1610, May 3, 2008.

  1. TaeGukGi1610

    TaeGukGi1610 Ancient
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    First of all, if you are at all interested in this map, it is almost a MUST that you read the following text before you start playing. I know you probably don't have the time but most of these links are pictures. Do not let this "wall" of "text" scare you away. You might not regret it!

    This is a map that I recently designed on Foundry. Most of you who play Call of Duty 4 will recognize this map. This is a replica of the Cargoship mockup test that you do in the beginning of the game. I think it looks similar to the one that was created in Modern Warfare, and people who play this should definitely recognize this. However, there are some obvious differences that make the map much more appropriate for Halo 3.

    I do not have an image of the entire map yet, but here are images for each specific station you must clear.

    Pre-Testing: You must enter the teleport inside the small, open box. The teleport will send you to another box in the air. Jump with full speed down to the bridges with the window panels to begin. (Pick up the two frag grenades!!)

    Station 1 : Three Normal Targets (palettes) : Indicated by one traffic cone

    Station 2: One Normal Target : Indicated by two traffic cones

    Station 3: Two Hard Targets : Indicated by three weapon holders : Requires flashbang before entrance (frag grenade) and hitting the two targets once

    Station 4 : Two Normal Targets : Indicated by four traffic cones

    Station 5 : The final station : Two Hard Targets : Similar to station three : Requires flashbang before entrance

    After Station Five head towards the teleport to the left and your timer will stop. Your score is the amount of seconds it took for you to complete the course.

    Here are a couple of DO's and DON'Ts on this map, in order to have an eligible score.

    DO - It's okay to have a friend or two on the tower with you before you drop

    DON'T - However, don't assassinate them...

    DO - Just like in Call of Duty, you MUST hit all targets

    DON'T - Here's how you do it the wrong way

    DO - Friends who are waiting to go patiently is fine

    DON'T - But take your fights outside!

    DO - This picture shows a player setting a good example...

    DON'T - DON'T be a cheater!

    And those are all pretty much all of the rules we must go over. I'd like to see what times you guys usually get when you play this. Your movement in halo 3 pretty much stays the same and if you hit all the targets you should get one of the highest scores even possible.

    Please post the amount of seconds it takes for you to complete IF you download it. Thank you!

    Download off of Bungie's Forums here!!!

    Download the Gametype as well!
    #1 TaeGukGi1610, May 3, 2008
    Last edited: May 4, 2008
  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    you need to embed the pics...but i think im goin to dl and check it out...

    edit: this is very similar... well job... altho i think after a few times this is goin to get boring..
  3. TaeGukGi1610

    TaeGukGi1610 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, thanks. This is my first post so I'm not so familiar with "this" forum. I will edit my post now.

    EDIT: You're right, it may get boring. I posted this map in order to not only practice my abilities to replicate something for future maps, but also to see how fast people can complete the course. Obviously it is much different in Call of Duty 4 where it is more difficult to aim and there are different levels of speed you can move at. I tried my best to make a map in one game, and move it to the other with the right approach.
    #3 TaeGukGi1610, May 4, 2008
    Last edited: May 4, 2008
  4. TaeGukGi1610

    TaeGukGi1610 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By the way. You're going to need the gametype in order to time yourself. It is a king of the hill gametype with a very large hill that measures your score beginning to end. Please comment!

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