Cargo Port

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Stevo, Mar 11, 2011.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not my style

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Congrats on the feature guys. It was well deserved. This map shows that aesthetics don't mean much. Definetly a keeper.
  2. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

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    I admire the initiative to recreate a playable space in campaign as a multiplayer map. That said, this may not have been the best map, gameplay wise, but I love the aesthetics!

    I tried recreating the New Alexandrian Civic Center, but the framerate drops just weren't consistent with the desired gameplay so it's been shelved for now.
    #22 Br4k3d0wN, Mar 15, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  3. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I enjoyed playing invasion immensly on this, until phase 3 that is. On phase 3, spartans were destroyed for two main reasons: The right side bomb area p3 spawn was camped by elites (the one with a roof) and the elite backfield was way to close to the core. I had the falcon at one point, and we shot at the area continuously, but within 2 seconds there was always an elite on the core spawn, Spartans had little to no time after winning the battle to take the core they just fought for. Also, elites got the sniper and focus rifle, raining hell on all who tried to jetpack up, and it was no better for others. P1 and P2 were sweet, but the spawns on P3 were a major problem. Nice job besides that!
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Shoe, you might not have been playing on the final version. Through the 20-30 Invasion games we played here during testing we made absolutely sure that all the phases worked to the best of their ability on here (keeping in mind the map was not originally intended for Invasion at all). I'm not saying it goes smoothly every single time you play it, but Invasion works exactly as intended just about every time now. Hopefully you can play again sometime and get a better opinion of phase 3. Once again, thanks for all the feedback everyone!
  5. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I will re-download and check, but I did get the map link from the feature page. Honestly, I think the map could indeed play well, but after several weeks of forging and testing invasion maps this came up as an imidiate red flag, and I am serious that we were literally unable to stop the continuous flow of elites on phase 3, even with a turret mowing them down at spawn for several minutes. Everyone just kept spawning 3 seconds from the core and driving off all other opposition other than the falcon immediately. But hey, invite me the next time you test. Other than this I love the map still!

    Edit: I re-checked the area and saw that you have all 3 fire team spawns for phases two and three right next to the core. In phase 3 this is a major problem because Elites can spawn there (right next to what they are defending) or somewhere further away, pressuring them to spawn there. This is like if elites had a backfield spawn i the spire on spire phase 3; you just would not be able to thin them out long enough to move the core. Admitabley, the core was captures on the first round of our test, but that was mostly because it was the first time any of the defenders had played the map. I still offer my advice that this should be changed, at least for a few tests to try out different spawn areas.
    #25 Skyward Shoe, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  6. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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  8. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    This one looks really good. I can tell from playing around in the editor and looking at this that this one took a really hard time to make. Somewhat complex design so getting it working real well isn't to easy. pretty good
  9. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    I am disappoint. This map was terrible whenever I played on it. There was nothing but spawn camping, Lift camping and just all around terrible. =/ The guy that made it took out armor lock because "ITS CHEATING" which took out a whole aspect of the game.

    I probably haven't played on it since its been updated, but my one experience on it was horrible.

    I don't care if you hate on me for this, but its just what Happened whenever I played it.
  10. Inferno

    Inferno Forerunner

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    Obviously you're playing with noobs like yourself. He changed (nearly) everything people had an issue with. The only thing he didn't do was make a third path to the top as it proved to dificult without ruining the map. No one else complained about the lack of armor lock.

    He did take an "aspect" out of the game, which was the noob aspect. It's bad enough that armor lock can not only deflect explosives and vehicles, but is impervious to emp blasts and recharges your shields at the same time. Which there weren't any ordance weapons or vehicles(besides the falcon which launches no explosives and does not splatter) to kill you, so beyond that armor lock would be to block bullets and punches, which is just flat out cheap. If you want to be such a coward, go play CoD where they practically build places you can be the entire game without worrying about death. In the meantime, everyone else will be enjoying a match of Invasion on Cargo Port which is prefectly fine without armor lock.
  11. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Inferno, don't belittle a guy with honest criticisms.

    Spawning admittedly can be an issue, but unfortunately we don't have the budget left to add dedicated spawning rooms. Also, the map is designed first and foremost for Jetpack use, as it was in the campaign, so if you don't like getting clogged up in hallways then take to the skys instead. You say you were getting lift camped, but honestly you could have Jetpacked around them and killed them that way. The map's good if people play it well, but not if everyone's just running around, trying to tank through everything.

    Also, Armor Lock is **** on Cargo Port. As Inferno said it literally has no use other than to be annoying and to clog things up even more.
  12. Inferno

    Inferno Forerunner

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    I was only belittling his critisicm because the only thing that was Ducks and your "fault" was not putting armor lock on the map. He complains about campers like the map was built for it, when clearly it is not, you can easily, like you said, go around the lift, and up top, there's not much cover for anyone with a percision weapon, and your spawns are not out in the open so anyone with a sniper can't just pick you off instantly.

    He complains about things I've seen him do when I played with him, and acts like the creators of the map are to blame.
  13. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Dedicated spawning rooms, while nice, are admitabley unnecessary. But having 3 fire team spawns 3 seconds from the core spawn is just not acceptable. I understand your limitations, but all 3 cannot be right there. Keeping just 1 fire team there, while moving the other 2 farther left and right respectively, could alleviate some spawn issues for P3. Spawn camping sucks, but it is really not hard to beat in invasion where you can scope out where you spawn before you choose to go there, and can spawn facing your camper. I understand that jetpack is expected to be used now, and so the other 2 paths are really side areas. I love the map, but I tell you that spawn area for elites P3 must go.
    -Flying Shoe ILR
  14. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Shoe, I understand why you dislike the Invasion spawns for P3, but what I don't think you realize is that we've tested the map a million times. We tried putting the spawns in different areas, but we settled on them how they are now because that is what worked best. I know its not perfect, but it honestly still works quite well. Had we put the spawns elsewhere, the elites would be able to block up the hammer-side path much more easily, which would be a big problem. We didn't run all of those tests for nothing.
  15. Inferno

    Inferno Forerunner

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    What I always do is make a player invincible for 2-5 seconds(depending on the gametype and how often spawn killing happens) so spawn kills are avoided.
    It's like frosting for respawns, but it's actually fair. If I were to do it on Cargo Port Invasion, I'd say 2 seconds should be enough, because you have enough time to at least look at someone attacking you, but at the same time, if the fights right there to begin with, you don't get to fend off the entire team.
    Just a suggestion, maybe not the best solution, but's not like it hurts to put it out there.
  16. Frost Bite323

    Frost Bite323 Forerunner

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    This looks just like it did in Campaign! I felt i was really playing from that area half the time. Amazing work.
  17. il uragano 3493

    il uragano 3493 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Aw, man. I loved playing this map with you, Psycho Duck, and several others. However, I hated that I lost... Seriously, though, this one is a sure-fire keeper. I'll be looking for more of your maps in the future!
  18. dt192

    dt192 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love this map, It's basicly just a circuit, but the height and construction make it play really well, this is deffo on my current top 20
  19. Forgefire

    Forgefire Forerunner

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    love it, kind of like my harbor that I made, but awesome job. Hope you make stuff like this
  20. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Yes the only thing you don't do (due to budget reasons unfortunately) was the inovation of the jet packing part of the campaign. Oh well it still functions as a great remake of the campaign mission and a great invasion map too.

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