Cargo Port Created by [user]MattKestrel[/user] and [user]Psychoduck[/user] Recommended Players: 6-12 Recommended Gametypes: 3-Plots, Invasion: Cargo Port, Team Slayer This co-forged, campaign inspired, asymmetrical construction was originally forged by Psychoduck early on in the life of Reach. However, due to other existing projects, Cargo Port got left behind to collect dust while he pressed on with what he saw as more urgent matters... That was, until he went fishing through his hard drive with MattKestrel, where he and Matt fell in love once again with Cargo Port’s unique Multiplayer layout. Whilst staying true to the original design developed by Bungie, in the campaign mission Exodus, Cargo Port ensures the multiplayer experience is still as enjoyable as the next competitive map in the line up. The gameplay often flows around the map rather than to one specific point like most Asymmetrical maps. However as much as we could compare it to other maps, Cargo Port brings something new to the table as well; Invasion. Cargo Port is one of the first maps to pull off standard Competitive gameplay as well as create a reliable and enjoyable 4v4 Invasion gametype without making major changes to the map design. The map itself promotes an all-round ingenious layout that easily supports nearly every gametype on Reach so far. Get loaded up and roll out because we’ve got some cargo to retrieve. Download Cargo Port Download Invasion: Cargo Port You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
this was destiny! congrats guys, very awesome map. this a great example to all of the new forgers out there of what can come out of a lot of hard work and dedication on a map.
Congrats guys. This map was/is fun to play on every single time. Glad to see it up on the home page. Can't wait to test your guy's up coming map
Meh, I mean it's okay... lol, boss map. I'm still not tired of it after 100+ hours of it either! Great job, hope to see more campaign recreations soon, you guys. We should seriously reinact the entire campaign. Lol.
Took long enough. I'll laugh my ass off when someone comes in here and says it isn't worthy of a feature.
Congratulations guys. Not only is this a great map, but it's inspirational. You took something from Halo, re-Halo'd it, and ending up making it even more Halo. Well done.
In a way, I'm disappointed that I still haven't managed to get a game on this. I had been following the map since the day it was posted as a preview and I really like how it turned out. Congrats on the feature guys. If the amount of attention this map has gotten is a clue, then I'd say this feature is a well deserved one.
We should throw a freakin party!! Yeah but you guys deserved this no doubt. I saw it coming and I new it would happen. It was really fun testing this and I hope your next map is just as amazing.
damn right! It's about damn time, congrats on feature because this is something I would have never thot of. I make many maps and play well but this is something I have yet thot of, to take a mission map and turn it into a multiplayer map. Absolutely fantastic. 9.7/10 from the folks my friend, good job (and that is voted from 4 people).
Since I joined forgehub because of PyschoDuck, I was under the same impressions as he was...he was led to believe(and me by extension) that FHF winners dont get we're both really happy to hear that, and he deserves it, this map is...outstanding, I'm jealous I wasn't the one who helped him make it. Simply put: Way to go Cuz! You deserve it!
Absolutely fantastic. It was only a matter of time. Test after test, this map just got better and better. Almost no flaws, and if we found one, you were on it like white on rice. Just a wonderful job you guys.
Am I the only one that didn't see this coming? Maybe I just didn't have enough trust in the Forgehub staff to pick a map with such a new, inventive layout. Really awesome job guys, it'll be good fun for future customs.
lol, FHF is a community feature. A map can still be featured even if it's become a FHF previously. You just can't nominate a map for FHF if the map has already been featured.
Finally played this today and had a blast. Glad I got the invite from you Psycho. Really sick map. Hope my MLG buddies pick up on it as well. Honestly, I'd have to say this is one of the few truly deserving features of late. Most definitely a breath of fresh air.
You, sir, are awesome. I'm really glad everyone's had so much fun with this map. I still can't believe how successful this has been. Thanks once again to everyone who has helped with the map in any way! Time to go make more awesome maps...