Hello there Forgehub Members and Visitors, This is my 7th post here on Forgehub, I am about to show you a medium sized ship that I made on Blackout. It is in the pitch black sky, I used the FX Pen and Ink and Juicy, If your asking me, Then those 2 FX are probably the best FX on blackout to use. It turns everything into a frosty colour, Pallets look really awesome with the FX on too. Well, Now to the map, It has only 2 levels, and 2 small armouries, I like the mongoose because it's at a really nice angle, The map is NOT set up for playing on, Just for Show, My next map, UNSC Shadow, Is fully playable but I will tell you more about that when it's posted. Blackout was extremely hard for me, Becuase It was my first time to EVER build a map in Blackout's sky that came out so successful. (Spelling) I personnaly think that this map is pretty original, I have'nt seen a ship on Blackout before, So I thought that I would just make one. The map has a cargo hold, A bridge, And 2 small armouries, I already know that I said that, I just wanted to say it again to be sure. The covenant captured this strange ship and since that They had nothing to do with it, They left it freezing in time. The ship is more than 10 years old, And everything on it is still the same as it was in the years before. Outside View Of The Ship. Back View. Front View. Bottom Floor. Top Floor. With the FX of "Pen and Ink" and "Juicy" on. Download: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=51546135 I also Need some helpers with testing my map: UNSC Shadow, If you would like to help, Leave your Gamertag with your comment please. Thank You. Oh! I almost forgot, Special thanks to "BuddhaCrane" For the Blackout Clean map.
Wow, this is realy cool, and finally on Blackout and not Avalanche. You could make this infection, but its still amazing. 5/5 and a DL from me.
wow really nice aesthetic map. The ship really stands out as a carrier. also nice backstory in your map description. But one thing is, the cargo carrier i see are really made a lot and that kind of takes from the originality, but thats nothing against you your map looks fantastic. Good Job, 4.56/5
Thanks Guys, Don't forget to comment, Download and rate!! I might make a V2 or another ship or a structure in Blackout's sky again. Thanks for the comments. ; )
Cool, I will DL later. I don't fill like getting on now. But be sure to expect a DL. Also I will be waiting for V2, I Will Be Watching You!
Make a V2, some boxes look croocked but don't nescerrely make the map suckish, because floating IS hard. This actually looks like a more 'less' good map of you, I liked UNSC Shadow the most, which was totally awesome, I think you should close the part in front of the other Double Walls, and close it a bit more in some spots. Other then that, great Interlocking and nice Floating, good job! EDIT: If the floating was hard, put them on the ground at a certain angle and then float them on the ship, it might work for you!
Holy crap. This is the very first ship that I've seen on blackout and I think it's the best I'm ever going to see. 5/5 for originality and craftsmanship. Btw, has anyone noticed the amount of ships on non shippish maps lately?
I like the idea of a ship on blackout and this is one of the better ones. The only thing bad is that is is slanted a bit and the roof is poorly made in a hurry. nice sheild doors though. Those are cool. 4/5
I know I know, The roof is slanted, Its becuase of the angle of the ship, It's sort of tilted, Thats why the roof is slanted, I made this ship in like, 4 hours. But it was not rushed.
Someone did this better *Cough Interrobang Cough* but the concept of a ship over blackout is somewhat cool. I just wanted ^^^ to bring that map up because that map is just beautiful. I mean, seriously, he used like everything and the freaking thing even has CATWALKS! Anyways, back to this map. The ship design is okay, nothing too special. I don't see anything that needs massive improvement. Is it playable? For now 4/5, try planning one out for a really long time...
I think it's just because people think it's too hard on Blackout and Blackout is to dark. Or just because Avalanche is better for ship making.
wow nice ship. the asthetics look really well done. the only thing is that there are so many of them that they just loose their appeal after the millionth time. im not saying that this is a bad map...its just over done.
Thank you to eveyone for who has a GOOD reply to the map. And I think that this is the ONLY ever ship on Blackout. And the first Aestetic (Spelling) Map too. Please correct me if i'm wrong.