Cargo Bay 71: An addicting asymetrical map with a fort on one side. Perfect for One-Flag Download Map Description: Screenshots, Weapon Lists and Videos Below! You dont have to read this. It only helps. | v This Asymmetric map on foundry, has a fortress on one side that is used as a defending area. There are 3 entrances to the fortress. One in the Center, One on the Left and one on the right. On the Right (Attackers right) there is a ghost with an energy sword. Though the ghost has to stay outside (it doesnt fit. Trust me.) there is an energy sword you can use down the turret hallway. Though there is a Shield in the middle of the hallway, the turret still has lots of range ( it will kill a sword before the sword can get to the turret ). Past the turret, there is an open crate with a Shotgun in it. Walk though the open crate and to the right is an open box leading to the Flag/Bomb room. In the center entrance, the gate has been left open (lucky you). You can easily go in and the flag room is on the right through the box. The third entrance is longer, but with better rewards. On the left, with the A sign pointing the way. The spartan laser is laying on a barrel to the left of the sign. Just inside of the A sign hallway there are 2 spike grenades and a rocket launcher. The rocket launcher has only 2 ammo so use it wisely. Turn the corner and down the hallway there is a Flamethrower. Follow down the slim hallway and right to your right there is a Shotgun. Follow through that crate and you come to the main fortress. The Flag is down the Hallway and the Bomb plant point is before that. Though you might worry about people camping down the hallway, there are 2 fragmentation grenades that spawn instantly at the opposite end of the flag so you can throw grenades and get easy kills from campers. Inside the Fortress there is a Warthog Gauss. Though this seems cheap, you cannot drive it out of this fortress. (Trust me, I've tried.) You may shoot out of the fence links but thats pretty much it. Its good if you can stay alive before the Laser takes you out. There is also a truck loaded with fusion coils that only spawns in the beginning of the match and thats it. Blowing these coils up will resort in the truck flying randomly and there for may be used as extra cover. Next to the Flag room entrance, there is a stairway that leads up to a sniper. On the right there are windows in the fortress to snipe through. Outside of the fortress there is lots of cover from the gauss. There is also a Turret on the top of the truck, a trip mine just in front of that. There are two mongooses, one near the truck and one on the right side (attackers right) that is on the floor marked LOADING ZONE. Near the right side, there is an open crate that has an over shield. In the attacker base (where you spawn first on the right side) there is a sniper that can be used to counter snipe a sniper. There are many Battle Rifle's scattered throughout obvious places in the map. In order to get the flag back to your base, you must climb into the window area (not the door) (on the attackers right) and through that door inside the window place. This map works with: 1 Flag 1 Bomb 1 Sided VIP Team Slayer (not tested but it should work) Territories (defend and attack) Screen shots: [img width=800 height=450][/img] Heres a picture of the flag being returned to the base. The sniper is looking through the window and almost got him. [img width=800 height=450][/img] A picture of me returning the flag. Just shows you how it looks inside. [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] Here are two pictures displaying what it looks like outside of the fortress. Note the turret on the truck and the mongoose. [img width=800 height=450][/img] Heres a better image of what it looks like inside the Fort. It may look messy because of the destruction that the players have made during the match. [img width=800 height=450][/img] Heres an image of the Hallway where the flag spawns. The grenades are at the other end. [img width=800 height=450][/img] Heres the Flag Room. Note that there is a plasma pistol in the map (not shown in pic) [img width=800 height=450][/img] Here the left hallway with Flamethrower (behind wall,cant see) Here is a link to a Video showcasing a 4 v 4 ( Well, for most of the time ). Sorry about anything stupid, because everyone was being dumb. But they let me play my map and it worked out so its pretty sweet. Here is the full video on Bungie: Additional Information, Questions and Comments: In the fortress, there is a lot of clutter and things on top of the boxes. This was all deliberate, making and giving the feeling of an abandoned warehouse. Most of these cliffs are accessible through grenade jumping and whatnot, and I encourage you to find ways up. These can be excellent sniping spots. I also made it so a grenade will probably throw the items off, acting as new obstacles on the paths below. I have run to the limit in my budget making this map, so nothing else can be added. Another thing to remember is that while you are carrying the flag/bomb, you may throw out equipment without dropping it. This is useful if you have a gravity lift. (getting over walls[well some]) or a deployable cover ( good to block off tunnels temporarily or use if getting shot at medium to long range). If you think something like a dumpster is sloppy, just remember that its an abandoned warehouse. The title? I dont really know. It sounds cool though. If you are wondering what the B signs are, theyre to mess you up . If you have any questions or comments on this map, send me a message on Xbox live as for my gamertag is graham215. Some of the pictures and the video may be not completely up to date. A few of these pics were taken in a slightly earlier (minor, minor changes made) version of the map. The video was also taken in a variation that the flag return point was hard to get to. Otherwise its all the same. If you have suggestions for this map (slight changes that would make it better or changes to game variants) please post them right here. Weapon List: 1.2 Shotguns 2.2 Sniper Rifles 3.1 energy sword 4.1 assault rife (in center on barrier) 5.1 spartan laser 6.1 rocket 7.1 flamethrower 8.2 Turrets 9.4 Battle Rifles 10.1 Mauler (Right side, just right or entrance to fortress outside) 11.1 Plasma Rifle(Left side, just left or entrance to fortress outside) 12.2 Needlers ( Each loading bay has one, in center) 13.1 Brute shot (leaning on truck outside) 14.2 Brute Spiker's (inside fort, at entrance) 15.3 SMG's (2 at flag and 1 just outside entrance of fort) 16.1 plasma pistol (flag room) 17.1 Carbine (flag room) Equipment and Grenade List: 1.6 Fragmentation Grenades 2.2 Spike grenades 3.2 Plasma Grenades 4.1 trip mine 5.1 energy drain (off to side on left) 6.4 Deployable Cover (scattered throughout the fort) 7.2 Gravity lifts (you'll pick them up if your attacking) Vehicles: 1.1 warthog gauss 2.2 mongooses 3.1 ghost History and origin of map: This Warehouse was frequently used for importing and storing goods to be sent to space. Though, as the demand for goods slowly declined the warehouse started getting fuller and fuller. It was eventually shut down but unloading was delayed for unknown reasons. This warehouse can be seen outside Foundry as FACTORY CMPLX 71 Creators Request: Could you please send me your video's of you and your friends playing on this map? Your video will be shown on this page and on as an example video next to mine. Thanks! Special Thanks to all of these people for my first testing: DangerousWeasel HumbleHOVERBOY hampo619 2 hamp619 harley j1993 GMEFRK WLZKE Malfstorm
Welcome to ForgeHub! Great job on the map post, most new members don't get it the first time, but you did well. The map looks fun, I see a few crooked walls, but still seems playable. The majority of the map seems to be made of walls, with limited boxes used in construction. It seems like you gave the Defensive side all the love and left the Offensive side sorta bland. Use some more boxes to create a base of their own. It would add alot more to your map. Good job though, Im lookin forward to seeing what you come out with in the future!
I agree with Lightsout for the most part.. Excellent first post, however the map appears to be a bit unorganized. Perhaps you would be interesed in all the helpful advice contained within the Forging 101 page.. I won't critique based on gameplay considering I haven't played it yet. To be competely honest I probably won't DL it, tho that doesn't mean it's horrible. Just not interesting enough for me. Good luck with future endeavors and WELCOME to ForgeHub. **thumbs up!** Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF! *EDIT* Lightsout pointed out the limit problem in the reply below this one.. Here is a direct link to the Foundry Power Canvas he is referring to. It allows you to place many more items than usual.
This also caught my attention: You may already know this and it might be old news, but there are versions of Foundry that have been glitched so that you have an unlimited budget (almost). Read more about it in the Forging 101 section Deepmonkey linked for you.
Great first post, and thanks soôöòóõøœ much 4 the equipment/ flag tip... it will result in many more flag scores 4 me!
Yes, I know about this glitched version. I started the map thinking I wouldnt need it. Would it be acceptable if I made a version 2 of this map, with the glitched version? And to the first post, you obviously didnt read. The Attacking side has a Ghost, 2 mongoose, rocket, sword, laser and 2 pieces of equipment, +grenades. I will take you ideas and improve this map because I thought it was a great idea. It was rushed a bit cause I spent a whole 1 day making it. Thanks for your input! BTW Thanks for reading it and thanks for your support. I will definitly post here again!
i actually did read it... as denoted by me quoting you in my 2nd post... im not talking about equipment or a vehicle given to the offense, im talking about the map itself. the construction of it, and the seemingly huge empty offensive side. and a side note, most high quality maps on here take much much longer than one day to make, up to weeks at a time. Another note, you don't necessarily have to remake it. You can glitch your map out to have unlimited budget as it is, just read about it in the Forging 101.
Oh, ok sorry. I guess then it needs some improvement. I will read that Topic on Forge 101. Ill also straighten everything out. EDIT: Ive run out of money though....
yeah the weapons on the offense base is fine He means that making double boxes to make a wall of some sort would give it more of an offensive base feel to it Not just an open space base Great job on first map Congratulations