Foundry Carbon Casino

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by dontknowme42, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    Carbon Casino

    map made for Template Contest V6

    • map is symmetrical
    • Map has symmetry controls
    • map uses all template pieces
    • plays all gametypes...
    few thousand brs... not really didnt count but let me think ... atleast 8
    4 smgs
    4 spikers
    4 frags
    4 fusion coils
    4 cones
    6 plasmas i think
    1 rocket symmetrical
    1 sniper asymmetrical
    2 bubbleshields spawn later in game on tower
    2 camos symmetrical 120 respawn after start

    GAME SMOKER 89 Wins
    asymetrical attackers spawn
    Asymmetrical warthog turret with teleporter
    Sniper/Rocket spawn
    asymmetrical bomb spawn flag cap spawn
    Asymmetrical Defensive spawn
    defensive base mid out view
    Me committing suicide

    more symet
    rical pics soon

    More Pics

    Symmetrical Spawn Defense notice the closed fence
    symmetrical warthog and rocket spawn...
    That door on the right is not there...

    base defense symmetrical away
    base attackers symmetrical away

    Made by
    Me DoNtKnOwMe42 and GAME SMOKER 89 who is also me


    dang it got to fix attackers left stairs to spawn...
    ahh ... download link still availiable but stairs being fixed in the next 24 hrs

    Fixed link

    Download HERE
  2. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    NICE! i really like this one man. if you put more cover in the corners n change the weapons you could make a MLG map w/ this. but thats prob. just me cuz i love MLG style maps xD but its a great map, when i get my Live back, this is one of the maps
    i have on my list to DL.
  3. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
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    the map is nice. i think its a little random. i think its nicely frorged. but it think more could be added to make it sweet. i like the fence wall forged into the walls. nice job.
  4. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I saw the vehicles were blocked off in one point, this might be against the template contest conditions. I urge you to revise the rules.
    The biggest part for me was the geomerged double box open that was on it's side, nice geomerging man, very nice!
  5. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its not blocked off its just a turret telees are in that door :p to the sign on the side
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    nice job on the map, i also agree that it is a little random. the most impressive parts about the map are the geomerged fence wall blocking off the tunnel (which is really unique) and the warthog in the box (which is more showing off than anything). the negatives are that the cones look sloppily placed. small problems subtract much forgewise. otherwise nice map, gameplay looks fun and good luck in the contest!
  7. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This has a good idea, like the center base and such, but it's alittle too open as stated before.. And i feel that the little room with the fusion could cause camping, and i understand thats why you put those fusion coils, but try to stay away from areas like that all together.

    pretty neat interlocking, alittle UNsmooth geomerging in the side bases though, other than that, its ok.

  8. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    2.5 seriosouly thats like half c'mon seriously
    if anyones reading this can you help me with spawn points
    on my map im working on hopefully?
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks good and probably flows relatively well too, but it will be disqualified from the Template Contest. I refer you to rule 6: "You MUST include the template in your map. This means you can't block it off"
    Blocking off the Warthogs is against the rules of the contest.

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