so i heard that it is possible to record your tv screen with a camcorder. And no not recording the screen on a tripod, but plugging the camcorder into the back of the tv and recording it from there. is this possible and if so how is it done. I would greatly appreciate any help. MT
I beleive its easy as plugging some cables from your cam to the tv out slots (red yellow white prongs - the special ones that get stuff from ur tv) and clic rec
Yeah, if you have the right cables that connects directly to your tv, it will work. Check though, they might have come with the camcorder when you first bought it.
make sure its tv out not tv in. If you have no tv outs you may need to get a scart lead adapter with tv outs in it Like mine ;p Heres an ehow:
I know how. It doesn't work on most high def tvs, but on ones a few years older. Sucks for me because I searched for DAYS on how to do this with a cam corder, and my hd tv doesn't have output things. My tv upstairs does, but **** i'm not going to move my xbox halfway across my house.