Hey sorry about this but i need a few queries to be answered and all help is greatly appreciated! Firstly are the red team attacks or defenders, blue is obviously the other one. For instance on the read side on cpature the flag do i make a red side for attackers falg and bomb spot or defenders? Secondly on One Bomb and one flag what do you set the flag settings to, is it neutral settings? So that red and blue teams are fighting for one flag not there own. Please help me! Thanks
Red Team=Defenders Blue Team=Attackers Put both the attack flag spawn/cap points on the attacking side, same for the defender side. Only use neutral on the neutral spawn point, there is no neutral cap point. You can't have neutral flag anymore.
thanks a million man! But on neutral bomb i do not understand how to do it because i have the neutral bomb spawn but then i have th red bomb plant and blue plant, do you have to have a seperate neutral bomb spawn for each team?
Are you sure? because in custom games it doesnt work, is it because i have the map set up for normal assualt aswell, with defenders spawn and plant and attackers?
in what way doesn't it work? neutral assault bomb spawn goes (roughly) between the 2 bases, the bomb plants are attackers and defenders, regardless of gametype.
For Any assault you need: 1) Attacker Bomb spawn inside the attacker base (Blue) 2) Defender Bomb spawn inside the defender base (Red) 3) Attacker Bomb plant inside the attacker base (Blue) 4) Defender Bomb plant inside the defender base (Red) For Neutral Assault 1) Neutral Bomb spawn in the middle between the 2 bases. 2) Attacker Bomb plant inside the attacker base (Blue) (same as above) 3) Defender Bomb plant inside the defender base (Red) (same as above) Then whenever you play neutral bomb the bomb will spawn there and you try and plant it on your oppositions spawn. During normal Assault games the neutral bomb spawn does nothing and your base spawns judge where the bomb spawns.