So here's what I'm thinking about getting. HD PVR Product overview I heard it's very good and records HD very well. If anyone here has one, please share any troubles you may have. I am really considering this. And this is fairly reasonable as far as prices go. I don't think $250.00 is that bad.
Or you could just get an intensity pro. They're more popular in the 360 capturing area, so you'd probably find more support with it. Its around the same price, and it records HD aswell. You should look into it.
You will need a top-end pc to support HD capturing, especially with a card and not a device, as if your RAM can't keep up the clips are going to be out of sync. Blackmagic recommend 4-6gig of ram. If your going with an internal card, then it's no doubt about the Intensity or Intensity Pro, they are in a totally different league in comparison to the others. Alternatively, 'Turtlebeach' do a HD device, which puts no pressure on your computer, although it is a substandard device, manufactured at a low quality and prone to overheating and breaking.