Hey Guys! I was just wondering, when I buy a capture card, how do i connect it to the 360 to i can take videos from halo 3 and then put them onto my computer. Because i wanna buy one, but after i would, i wont know what to do with it. Can someone please tell me what to do with it after i bought it?
I bought the dazzel DVC 170, im pretty sure asper has the same one. anyways its really simple, take your xbox 360 wires ( the AV cables ) and connect them to the end of the dazzel, then plug your dazzel in. your dazzel package will come with recording software. then save it on ypur computer and your done
A cord will connect from your computer to the 360 unless you bought a expensive wirelesss one. Its actually quite easy to set up, once you get it just read the manual.
A wireless capture card? Those don't even exist. Basically, you'll need to add one more step than what the above guy said to get the best recording performance. You'll need an RCA/composite cable doubler. so that you know what you're recording. What's displayed on your PC with most capture cards is a few seconds behind what's actually happening, so you can save a lot of frustration by getting a cable doubler. You can get them at your local RadioShack or something. Then, once you have all of that, you connect the Xbox 360 yellow/red/white cables into the first end of the doubler and then plug the other two ends into your tv and your capture device. Then, connect the capture device into your PC (usually via USB, or you may not need to if you bought an internal card). Then, the included software with your capture device should allow you to start recording. Hope that helps!
Sorry, I do not know, but I am posting to say that this should be moved somewhere else. Customer service is for SITE problems, not other problems.