Hey guys, I'm back. I recently did a Prisoner Remake that was recieved well even though it had slowdown issues and some poor spawning, (Prisoner Classic/Captivity for those who remember) so I decided to give it another go. I made some of the catwalks larger and raised the height of the level a bit to compensate for the difference in fall damage between Halo CE and Reach. I also added support for Infection game modes and made some changes to weapon spawns and a lot of visual changes to allow people to call out locations. There is still some z-fighting that refuses to go away no matter how much I tweek (reach apparently doesnt save exact locations of objects, it just says "close enough" and leaves them where they were sometimes). Otherwise I am very proud of it, give it a download and let me know what you think. Forge hub is great. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also I am going to be playing Customs all day tomorrow to test the map so if anyone wants to play send me a Friend Request. GT: Dave Winchester