Just because Johnson and the arbiter teamed up at the end of halo 2 does not mean that they pleased each other enough to become mates and eat skittles.
This, my friend, is spam. Anyway, the shot's nice, I like how close you positioned the camera. Although, not much is happening in the pic. 3/5
Black Theorem, did you even read the title... It is a caption game... As in you post a caption for a picture. Since the arbiter was eating Johnson's head, he posted Om-nom-nom-nom-nom... though it may not be that good, your post was worse, it had nothing to do with the thread, he didn't want you to rate the picture, he wanted you to give a caption, or since you probably don;t know what that means since you posted what you did, a short statement either describing the picture (Like motivational posters) or something one of them is saying, such as the arbiter saying "om-nom-nom." Now that we have that out of the way, read threads before you post (or in this case the title)...
Wow, I TOTALLY Apologize... sorry, man. On my sidekick it (Caption game) didn't show up, and i was typin durin an English test. I was rushing, my bad. If I created any hostilities, please,
Here's a few more... Elite -Tastes like chicken. -Once you suck out the juice, the rest is barely worth touching. -I hate how the A.I. gets stuck in your teeth. -Needs salt. Spartan -We usually shake hands on Earth. -Why couldn't I be in one of those Mario games? -I sure picked the right day to stop sniffing glue. -You know... my wife is going to kill me. Commentator -That's probably going to cost Blue the game. -Unfortunately, their first kiss went terribly wrong. -This is a family show and we choose to cut away before you see where he puts that carbine. -Here, we see Macto Cognatus in its natural environment. Soon, it will dispose of the carcas and lay eggs in the spleen.
Arbiter - I had Spartan for breakfast! Random Annoying Kids - Spartan for breakfast?!?!?! Arbiter - Not just Spartan...Spartan Puff Cereal... part of this nutritious breakfast! Random Annoying Kids - YAY! *Random Annoying Music Plays* *Goes on to commercial about squirrel poo*
And that is backseat modding. That was his caption, and infact the one I was going to use until he used it =X
Arbitor: What? I didn't do anything wrong, he just kinda, well you know... hoped into my mouth, and that led to that.