This is a pic I took along time ago I just decide to post it here cause its kinda funny. tell me what you think and if you dont get the picture you probably dont watch tv that much cause its from the Captain Morgan Liquor commercials Caption: we all have a little captain in us if you like this pic enough you can download it here its in the 3rd spot
Lol, it's pretty good, 3.5/5. It coulda been take n at a better angle, but that was a long time ago, so whatever. Cool pic. I had forgotten he was Captain Morgan, I just knew it was the captain.
Yea its ok. 2.5/5 because it wasnt staged. if you still have the vid, you should go back and take another screenshot from another angle. that would make this pic like a 3.5/5 - 4/5 depending on the angle
This pic is alright, but for people who either don't live in America (I promise to change this if you live somewhere else) or don't watch much tv, it doesn't make sence 2.5/5