Underneath the Taurus mountains of Turkey lies Cappadocia, a large collective of ancient underground cities. Hidden for centuries, Cappa Prime was recently discovered, just beneath the surface of the mountains. Cappa Prime is an asymmetrical room based map, designed with 2v2 slayer in mind (also made oddball playable...just because). Although it is asymmetrical, it is laid out in a symmetrical manner, with Camo and Custom at opposite ends, and Sniper and Grenade Launcher on opposite sides. The power weapons and powerups are set in positions and at times that drive movement around the map. Stuff on the Map Dmr's (4) Plasma pistol (1) Frag Grenades (4) Plasma Grenades (4) Sniper Rifle (118 seconds, 1 spare clip) Grenade Launcher (118 seconds, 2 spare clips) Custom Powerup (60 seconds, Spawn at Start = False) Camo (90 seconds, Spawn at Start = False) Health Packs (2) Jump pad on Custom end 2 FX (Juicy & Colorblind) which basically cancel each others effects out, but darken the map just slightly. Pics Camo end Custom end The 'arrow' is a silent lift to the mid level. The Jet Pack hologram is a Jump pad allowing access to the upper level. Grenade Launcher side Sniper Side Central area It was originally built with sprint, but I have also created a version for those who prefer to play with no sprint. Cappa Prime (sprint) To be played with: Sprint start Player Speed - 110 Jump Height - 110 Gravity - 150 Cappa Prime (no sprint) No Sprint Player Speed - 120 Jump Height - 125 Gravity - 200
this map looks really great, i still have to download it. but why do you need 200 gravity an d125 jump heigth and stuff i just wanna play normal slayer n stuff. and can you make it so all gametypes are avaible. anyway the map looks great, ill give it a dl
Sorry for not explaining the reasoning behind those settings. I have generally preferred playing using MLG settings. The version with sprint was built with MLG's most recently used settings, which included sprint and the other settings I listed under that version. MLG is currently testing no sprint settings. The no sprint version uses those new settings (listed), and includes slight alterations from the sprint version to allow all jumps to be made without sprint. That said, if you want to play with sprint start, there is no need to use the settings I listed. Any settings should work fine. With respect, as mentioned in the original post, this map was designed with slayer in mind. I do not feel that it will play other gametypes well, and so I do not plan to make them playable. Please feel free to download the map and set them up yourself, though. Thanks for checking it out. Any further feedback you may have after walking through the map is certainly welcome.
Yeah, this map looks really great. With the jump pad, can you still jump on the area around the jump pad, but not on it? The shield door may cause some problems like that. It's got a really nice aesthetic feel to it, I'm absolutely loving the underground theme you've got going on, it adds a lot to the map. I'll give it a dl and try and give you more feedback after a playthrough.