Download the Cannon Wars Map Here Download the CTF Game Variant Here This symmetrical map is on Narrows and revolves around the man cannons while the rest of the map is blocked off and any attempt in you trying to get out of the man cannon area will result in you falling to your death. You start with a Br as your primary weapon and an SMG secondary. There are two snipers-one at each man cannon. Then there are rockets, which spawn in mid-air between the Man cannons for anyone to grab. There is also a deployable cover next to each man cannon that when thrown into your man cannon when an opposing team is using their man cannon will knock them off the map (A Hilarious Experience) or simply to block off entry to a man cannon to buy yourself a few seconds. The map plays best with four to eight players. Once you get past eight players the game can get a bit chaotic but because some people enjoy a little bit of chaos I made sure the map could support 16 players without there being spawn killing. PLEASE COMMENT
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