I feel sorry for your loss boydy, but think of the good it will do for all those who are soon to lose their mothers over something like this. Think of the pain you felt when you lost your mother, and then think of the joy all the others will feel when they realize they are going to be able to survive.
As amazing as this is, the first thing that popped in my mind was "You mean Duke Nukem Forever's finally coming out?!" That really tells you about my priorities, huh?
Yeah what? That's not likely. I am Legend was completely fictional. And the book was better. And that's the only time I'll ever say that. I hate reading. I think the cure is great. Really I think near everyone is affected by some way by cancer. So this really is super. :joker:
Of course, we don't know what the long-term effects will be. Obviously, we all hope that this is a true cure for cancer, but we simply don't know what could happen (I doubt we'll be turning into I Am Legend zombies, but there could be serious consequences). So, don't get your hopes too high, lest we wind up with a label like this: Warning: Side effects may include fever, chills, dry mouth, fatigue, constipation, coma, brain damage, and, in frequent cases, heart attack, stroke, and mild to severe death. Please consult your local physician if you are pregant, or thinking about becoming pregnant, or if your immune system has been weakened due to surgery. If any of the former conditions exist for more than 4 weeks after treatment has finished, please see your local doctor immediately. If any of the latter conditions occur, please consult your local necromancer.
Wow, I am already imagining cures for AIDS, but imagine the contrversy with this... People saying that we should not go beyond what God has given us... And that stuff.
Woah let's not get ahead of ourselves there. We're not even sure that this will permanantley cure blood cancer, let alone breast cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, etc. We have a long way before we even think about curing AIDS, whch wouldn't be a problem if so many people stopped f***in around in their lives literally and figuratively, but I digress..... And on the point of not going beyond what god gave us. Oh, how do I put this....essentially everything we have is a gift from god (if your not catholic bare with me here). Our knowledge, free will, everything we have comes from god. So in retrospect, with our god given intellect we were able to come up with a possible cure of cancer and therefore, we have god to thank for this because essentially god gave us the cure. Now he didn't just come down from heaven one day with a little magic vial and say "problem solved" he guided us along so that we figured it out for ourselves kinda like when your in school and you have a question but instead of answering it directly, the teacher will guide you along with a series of questions so that you understand the answer to the question while essentially giving you the answer to your question. Does that make sense?
excellent response, you make a good point there. Have some rep and go.....buy some ice cream with it or something.... Anyway, a cure for cancer? That'd be amazing. IF we can cure something as common as cancer, think of all the other things we can cure with similar diseases.... However, I am a little skeptical about it......just give it a few years, we'll see if it's worth it. Just hope there's no terrible terrible terrible side affects.
Why thank you my good sir. I do fancy myself some ice cream right now lol But seriously, I pray to god these people don't develope any nasty side effects. My heart breaks for people like these who've been through some of the worst life has to offer, and get a slimmer of hope, only to have it crushed by even more suffering. It's seriously not fair. I'm so happy my cousin got his tumor treated before it did any actual damage. I only wish my grandma was just as lucky, my poor mother lost her at 13 and grew up with a raging alcoholic for a dad, the f***ing bastard. My mom's honestly one of the most amazing people I know.
Ahhh!!! Oh f*ck i was afraid of this. now we are all going to get infected by something and i will have to be legend. GOD! why did you create this cure? uGH! im afraid of mosters! just kidding, i know that "i am legend" could never happen...or could it... WELL YAY! NO MORE CANCER! (or so it seems...)
Finally they found the cure for Cancer, although it seems it will need some more testing before it can be used in wide spread... HOORAY!!! NO MORE CANCER!
The only problem: it only works in 11 out of 38 people, meaning not quite a fully workable cure. Still, I do believe that's the highest success rate of any drug to date (without any major notable side effects). My only real concern is that a cancer cure was what spawned the mutation to zombie-hood from normality in I Am Legend... Good find. ^_^