Hey folks. I've been wondering if there's a Blackout map with more than 160,000 DLs. I have searched thorugh B.net for a while now and haven't been able to find one. I know some of you crazy people could find anything in any of the internets if you think about it for long enough, which baffles me. I want to know because I am curious. That is all. Gracias.
Here you go Bungie.net : Halo 3 Community Files Looks like you're the leader: Although if you include pictures you're getting your ass kicked Bungie.net : Halo 3 Community Files
See? This is what I mean. How the hell did you find this search function in B.net? I had no idea it existed. Thanks though, mick. How'd you get it to include only maps? EDIT: wait, I found it. Gee, I feel ignorant. Thanks again man
It's the basic tag search. It's surprisingly powerful, especially if people are good about tagging there maps, but most maps worth finding are usually tagged. You can usually bring up the search by clicking on a tag, or by selecting a file. It's always been there you just haven't looked close enough To do only maps select "Map Variants" From the first drop down box. To do only Blackout select it from the listing of maps. If you want only download count select it from the listing Most relevant. Most relevant lists files based on the number of tags they have. The higher the tag the closer to the front. This is why it's important to tag your files and have people support your tags. It's how I got my map on the #1 spot on the "Remake" tag. It's also important to get your map rated highly (obviously). If you get above 94% you're basically guaranteed a top spot on the highest rated maps: Bungie.net : Halo 3 Community Files There are lots of little tricks you can do to find stuff on bungie.net. Google's site specific search can really help if you just can't find a map though tags. For example Google search blockout site:bungie.net