My social group, the grammar ****'s, needs a logo or something. Can someone make one? I don't know what it should have exactly... maybe a dictionary crossed out or in a crosshair nd the swastica, i really don't know exactly. Be creative. It's up to the creator. Plus, creator gets free acceptance into the group. :] Very Nice! so anyway, comment and let me know if u can... thx!
I will do it...but I think the GIMP/PS pros would make a better logo.If no one else signs up I will though!
kk cool. U can do it. If someone else signs up, Ill just compare the 2 results and see what people like better. But sure plz, go 4 it! Thank u in advance.
So.. you made a group called grammar nazis for people who want to celebrate their poor grammar? You don't know what a grammar **** is do you? Lol
i know everyone is sayin it means the oposite of what i want it to mean but i say, nd it wrks because its an oxymoron at the same time... it means what im sayin it means, not the opposite. Gosh... seriously... lol ooo nd to Alby, no, idk... anything u want. Just make sure it has the name in it
hence why you wouldn't be able to join the group lol... the motto is, "Know one knows what you're saying"
no but you can make one and then post it on your sig and everything.... that's what I was gonna do, and on the group thread...
There we go, what do you think? Just tell me if you want anything changed, or you don't like it or whatever.
Hmm not bad, liking it-, just think, could u add some more color to it? I don't know what but just to make it look cooler, otherwise its pretty awesome!
Well the photos of Mr Hitler are black and white, so I don't see how or what colours could be added. I guess some red somewhere?
kk maybe... like on the words "Grammar Nazis" add colors to that area, the pic is fine, otherwise its awesome
Okay how about this? Some blood splatter kinda stuff? Is it too intense or is it alright. Anything else you want to change? =D
oo actually thats pretty cool with the blood splatter. Id say its perfect! Thanks a lot man... alright as said ill let u in for free.... not that its tough to get in as it is lol...