I'm pretty noob @ forging, and lots of times I see those great maps like this one: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details how can u get those stone things that thight together, and in those nice shapes?
Yeah, Forging 101 is a great place to learn tips and tricks for forge. Ghost merging is the easiest way to merge pieces, but what I did when I made Back Burner is called interlocking. Here is a video by Bl00D F1R3 showing how to interlock, followed by three videos of mine that show what I use for bracing when I interlock racetracks. YouTube - Bl00D F1R3's Forging School: 2, Interlocking YouTube- Rogue Shaddo's Forging Technique YouTube- Rogue Shaddo's Forging Technique #2: Inclines YouTube- Rogue Shaddo's Forging Technique #3: Hills