i want to share my map here as a map preview but im currently using the free week of gold and cant upload pics to my fileshare anyway someone could take a video with a capture card or take pictures? it would be really nice
Your file share should be accessible with a Silver account. I've been with Silver for a few weeks now and it's worked perfectly fine for me. Also, you don't necessarily have to upload the screenshots to your file share - if you go to Bungie.net and look under the "Recent Screenshots" section, they should usually show up there too, as long as you are connected to Xbox Live when you take the screenshots.
hmmm. thanks i was not connected to xbox live at the time but yeah, the file share wont work with me for some reason
I think for that to work, you need to purchase gold at least once. Don't hold me to that though, I'm not 100%
yeah my gold ran out a week ago but thanks guys ill try this screenshots still not showing up, does this take a while to upload?
Sometimes screenshots show up instantly (or almost) in the "recent screenshots", but sometimes, it does take quite a while. There isn't anything that I believe you can do to make the process quick every time.
What I usually do right after taking screenshots is go into the File Browser>Local Files>Screenshots, and you can watch them upload to Bungie.net. That usually takes a minute or two, depending on how many screenshots you've taken. Turning your Xbox off before this can happen might hinder them appearing on Bnet.