Can Opener - When fists fail, improvise. A completely random occurence during a co-op playthrough of "The Storm" that led to extreme ROFLOLing. Link to my file share with the image: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
I don't understand the can opener title .. But i like the pose of the spartan with a needler in his hand =] It looks more like he is fixing a wraith .. I have been thinking how you do this but didn't you just get shot with a needle then hijack a wraith?
i see how thats happend a grunt must have shot u in the hand with a needler then hijacked the wraith . makes the needle look like a old fashond can opener sweet photo =P
I chose Can Opener because it looks as though Chief is using the needler round to "peel open" the "tin can" that is the Wraith. And yes, I simply got shot perfectly whilst boarding the Wraith, the screenshot was not staged in any way. ^Exactly.
That's a great find. The needle is perfectly positioned and the pose is awesome. Great job, very original.