i am trying to make a one bomb map and i want the different teams to start with different weapons, is there a way to do this?
have custom power ups in one teams base that changes the weapons that they have and make it so that they have to pick it up to get out of their spawn area/base, make sure that it last forever and is insta-respawn as well. you should probably use this on the attackers base otherwise the attackers would pick it up upon entering the defenders base base.
make starting point spawns for the attackers then put the custom power-ups right on top of those. At least at the beggining they'll have the custom traits.
Well since customs cant give you different weapons, I suggest having teams spawn in boxes on a different level of the map (assuming it's sandbox), and just have them pick up their teams wep and go through a tele to take them to the map.
I think you can add traits to the winning team, so if it applies to Assault, you could make one guy from the team you want to have regular starting weapons spawn in a death area. The suicide will give their team -1 (hopefully), making them the losing team Or you could just give every team Plasma Pistols to start with and leave a large pile of weapons in front of them...
Another way you can do it, if you where trying to do a slayer type of thing you can use the terrotories system because you can change teams traits on there (just don't add any territories to the map), and on VIP you can change the traits for people near the VIP and on their team. This doesnt help for assault but for slayer and other things it works well.