
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by leegeorgeton, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Camber

    Gamertag: LEE C G

    Recommended Players: 4-16 (most suited for 6V6)

    Recommended Gametypes: Plays all game types except Dominion


    Camber is a medium sized map featuring a central domed structure and a ramp-walled bunker at the map's center with the red and blue bases located at their respective ends of the map. I attempted to add a lot of visual interest to the structures. The ramp-walled structure at the center is perfect for full throttle vehicle jumps, while the dome is simply a pretty place to attain a rocket launcher from.

    The map seems like it is best suited to six versus six team games, though It's only been tested so far with four versus four. The map seems a bit too small to call it a true BTB map, but I can see it playing ok as one.

    (2) Sniper Rifle (one at red base, one at blue base)
    (1) SAW (Gold Base)
    (1) Shotgun (Green Base)
    (1) Rocket Launcher (inside dome)
    (2) x2 Frag Grenade (one near red base, one near blue base)
    (1) Energy Sword/Railgun (random ordnance drop on topside of ramped bunker)
    (4) Needler/Sticky Detonator/Scattershot (random ordnance drop, two on red side, two on blue)

    I'd like to thank those from the past few custom game nights who have been helping me test out the map. It's been fun.

    Sorry, I haven't drawn up a CAD plan of it yet. This'll have to do.


    Red Base:


    Blue Base:



    Gold Base:

    Green Base:

    The Dome:





    Dome Bunker:

    Ramp Structure:



    Ramp Bunker:

    Hog Jumpin':


    Check it out and let me know what you think.
    #1 leegeorgeton, Jan 10, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2013
  2. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Lee...excellent work. Aesthetics look great.... being a BTB player I can appreciate this one and I'd be happy to do any game testing as always for good BTB maps. Really diggin' those ramps in the center. looks like some fun warthog gameplay...nice job!

    yeah there isn't a lot of terrain room on Certain "Apoopies" maps to make full BTB 16 player maps... since Reach I have noticed their style is always 12 player maps. All of their maps like Tempest, Harvest, Wreckage, Shattered, Erosion, Impact, Ravine, etc. they are all 12 player maps wtf. They got something against large terrain.
    #2 Starship Ghost, Jan 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013
  3. Lone Heretic

    Lone Heretic Forerunner

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    This map looks really good, I'll definitely check it out next time I get the chance. Keep it up :)
  4. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    very nice domed structure and other architecture (AGAIN) and those ramps look like tons of fun with the warthogs!

    work this this is inspiring to see... Arcusphere was fun when I played it too. I'm sure this will be as well.
  5. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Now that's what I'm talking about! A map using natural geometry that supports TS and Possibly BTB. I'm definitely going to DL this one. I love the aesthetics that you've added to it. Especially the dome or side base with rounded ramps. Looking good so far bro.
  6. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Wow! What an amazing looking map!, I liove the center structure with the ramps, very innovative! Cant wait to DL this one and try it for myself!
  7. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Looks beautiful! I really like your aesthetic work that you give to your maps - it really makes them stand out and your innovative ideas are really nice to see.

    I'm impressed by all of your forged structures in the map. I can see all of them being used in proper games, and I especially like that Warthog jump. Can Spartans walk up the ramp? It doesn't look like they can, and that's a good thing.

    I'm a tad worried about the large open areas in front of each base. I know they're not really meant to be traversed across, so action will be directed towards the buildings, however I think you should place a couple of groups of rocks here and there to provide a teeny bit of cover for those wishing to take a more dangerous route.
    (EDIT: Looking at the screenshots again, I noticed the large hills in front of the bases that weren't evident from the overview. Ignore my suggestion about the rocks.)

    All in all, I'm really impressed with this. Add me on XBL and I'd be happy to play this with you.
    #7 Kazerra, Jan 11, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2013
  8. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    let us know if you feel it's done now, k?

    I would love to DL and I echo Kazera's request for an XBL add so we can play this... in general I am new to XBL and need to start building a friends list and forgers are probably the best friends you could hope for... if you have room that is :D
  9. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    yeah i am down to play-test this also if it hasn't been done already
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Having played this a few times now, it's one of the best BTB maps I expect to see in Halo 4. Aesthetics and architecture are lovely, and the design of the center structure is intricate but not to a fault. I have had small quibbles along the way that Lee has been working out. I look forward to running games on this again soon. :)
  11. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to change out some of the ordnance drops for normal weapon spawns with less ammo here in a bit. Ghosts will be added for each team as well. I'll be play-testing around 4 PM Pacific Time this afternoon if anyone would like to join in. I'll send some friend requests/invites to those who've asked.
  12. korvica

    korvica Promethean

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    Woah! This map looks to be an amazing BTB map! I love everything but more the two team bases. On almost every BTB map, bases are simple, but original. You have it. Also, the middle curved ramps look so much fun with warthogs, but I hope it can be good in a game to use it (if not, maybe it will make casual players not be enough serious during games). Also, I think the second floor on the team bases may be to good for snipers, 'cause it looks like they can see all the map to the other team base and have good covers. Maybe I'm wrong with that point (I did not even play the map). Finally, good job again with your map. I would like to see it on the multiplayer system.
  13. stealthylemon

    stealthylemon Forerunner

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    awesome that jump in the middle looks sweet
  14. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Excellent work on the dome structure. Very novel... The structure next to it is the only piece that looks out of place because it leans over. The rest of the map demonstrates a significant amount of aesthetic cohesion in that there is consistency through out the various structures (e.g., what is used for flooring, for ramps, etc.).
  15. Raw 2 Dawg 2

    Raw 2 Dawg 2 Promethean

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    I'm pretty new to Forging and have yet to finish a map of my own. I've been looking around and taking in all the amazing maps here at Forge Hub and this one had to get my first comment. While I don't have anything to offer in technical feedback due to lack of experience, I will say that the asthetics of your map really grabbed me right off the bat. I personally love the color pallet here. The light structures against the green and grey natural land is something I like. The first pictures of the dome reminded me of Dwemer ruins in Skyrim. Your map layout looks like it will play with that level of fun we all love. I can't wait to download this and rev up a Warthog for some sweet jumps. I would love to jump into a custom lobby with this one. Really well done man.

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