Hello. My name is OnekillerbeeV2. But you can call me killer I am setting up a mongoose racing league on the Bungie.net forums and would like some Race map makers become part of it. To do this simply submit your map in this thread granting me to use it for this weeks event. This will grant more people to race on your map and help you reach out the other areas of the community. Anyone is allowed to enter and race (even if you made the map ). For full list of rules please read this topic on the forums. Bungie.net : Halo 3 Forum : Moongoose Racing League So if you want your map to get featured just post it here. Edit. I apologise if this is in the wrong section first time ever using these forums
ill join up with this sounds good ill give you a map to look at not the best but something to start of with Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
this is in the wrong forum. im guessing your new here so ill help you. this is for map posting only. in future, post things like this in the halo discussion forum. requsting move
Ok, thanks for map i will check it out and see whether i think it is of decent standard. best of luck and thanks. Yeah i was unsure where to put it, sorry that it is in wrong forum but i thought this was ideal as i was looking for race tracks, anyway can i move it myself or does an administrator need to? Thanks
I have two you could use, they both work well with all battle track variants. Prominence. Here's more info. And, Syndrome. Here's more info